Part 3

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This was going to be a long day he just knew it. He stopped the boat by the island docks. "Who's the kid that kinda looks like you?" Riku asked looking at you. "This is ___. I don't know where she came from..." Sora began to tell them what happened up until now. You didn't pay any attention because you saw someone in the distance. "Is that daddy?" You asked looking at the figure. You walked up to him but he was gone. You looked at ocean. "I had no idea. How beautiful it is here." You said smiling. "It it nice isn't it?" You turned around to see someone in a black coat. "Now be a good little girl and come with me!" She said. "N-no! Stay away from me!" You yelled and you began to run away. She chased after you and grabbed your arm. "Let her go!" Sora yelled using strike raid. "Ow!" She hissed. Her hood fell down. Showing her long white hair and pink-purple eyes. You hid behind Sora. "How did you get here?" You asked. "Easy you helped us out brat! Thank you so much!" She said. "When? I don't remember you!" You said frowning. "We followed you here kid! Now come here...." She said smiling. "No! I don't want to!" You yelled. "Leave her alone! I don't know what you want. But you can't have ____!" Sora said getting ready to fight. Riku and Kairi were there to back him up. "Then I have no choice then!" She said summoning her magical staff. She quickly used a spell to make copies of herself. "Where's the real one?" Kairi asked looking around. "We should get rid of the copies first." Riku said. "Right!" Sora said getting rid of some. "You make that look easy! But I have something up my sleeve!" She said using some sort of darkness blast. It sent the three of them flying. They quickly got back up. "Well are you ready to surrender and hand over the child?" She asked. "No!" Sora yelled. "Wrong answer!" She yelled. They continued to fight her until all four of them had enough. "You got lucky! Next time I will get the girl!" She said leaving all of you. "Are you okay ___?" Sora asked. "Y-Yeah...." You said. "Where did she come from? Why are they after you?" Kairi asked. "I don't know. They attacked my" You said beginning to cry. You missed your daddy you didn't know if he was okay or not. "What did they do to you?!" Sora asked. "You see daddy.....he...he....."You cried. "It's okay just tell us when you are ready." Riku said. You slowly nodded your head.


"So Maxi did the kid give you trouble? Or are you just weak?" Alex asked keeping his hood up. "Some older kids helped her and they have keyblades! I barely got the chance to come back here!" She said looking forward. "Remember what the end goal is and why we need the kid." He said. "I know. You don't have to remind me. I'm not dumb!" She said. They had already attacked the kid's home and made her go to the past. Just so they could follow her here. That was the first part of their plan. Now step two was to bring the child to their master. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I cannot tell you....the master wants me to keep it a secret." He said leaving. "Here we go again..." Maxi said sighing. He never told her anything. It's just like when they first joined. Never paid much attention to her and when he did talk to her it wasn't for long. All she wanted was to be by his side and show him that she was more than a pretty face. "When will you notice me again?" She asked herself.

*Back with you*

"And that's what happened..." You said finishing up your story. "I still can't believe that you came from the future! It's incredible!" Sora said. "Really?" You asked. He nodded. "But that doesn't tell us what they want and why do they want you?" Kairi asked. You didn't know either. "I don't know." You sighed. "Still we should make sure that we protect ____ at all costs. Whatever they're planning it can't be good." Sora said. "We have to be careful." Riku said. "I agree. Don't worry we'll look after you ___." Kairi said. "They are so strong. It didn't take them long to destroy my home. I don't want Sora, Riku and Kairi to get hurt...." You thought. You focused on the sunset. "You're not alone. We're here for you." Riku said. "I know thank you Riku." You said.


"We're back!" Sora yelled. You took off your shoes while Sora went into the kitchen. "Welcome back. I thought that you would be late again. Go wash up for dinner." "Thanks mom. I'll race you ___!" Sora said. The two of you took off running. "Sora I got here first!" You yelled. "I got here seconds before you!" "Move over I can't reach the sink!" You said trying to get through. "Okay...okay..." He said moving out of the way. "Sora! You used the rest of the soap! Now I don't have enough to wash my hands!" You said as Sora left the bathroom. "This is exactly why I don't think that he is the real Sora!" You said getting into the closet and grabbed the new soap. The real Sora probably wouldn't tease you as much as this one did. "It looks delicious!" Sora said looking at all the food. "We have to wait for ___." "Okay dad." Sora said waiting. You walked into the room and sat down. You better to eat. "This is delicious. Thank you for cooking this wonderful dinner." You said smiling. "You're welcome." Sora's mom said smiling back. After dinner you had dessert. "There's only one piece of pie left." "I want it!" The both of you said at the same time. "___ you are very spoiled so someone has to put their foot down. I get the last piece!" Sora said looking at you. "No I get it! I'm just a kid who needs some sweets every once in a while! So I get the last piece!" You yelled. "You don't need it! You want it!" He said. "I bet you don't even brush your teeth! So you probably don't need it either! You want the last piece!" You said. "Well you can't have everything that you want!" Sora yelled. "Sit down and be quiet!" "Yes mom!" Sora said. The two of you sat back down. She cut the last piece equal. "There we go. Now the both of you get a piece." She said.  "Thank you." You said eating some of the pie.

*Later that night*

You woke up crying from a nightmare. "I think that I need my favorite rabbit plush." You said going into your bag. "No!" You said pulling out a bunch of different toys. Then you remembered that you left it in the garden with your doll. You didn't know what to do. "I don't want to wake anyone up...." You whispered. If you were back home you would probably get your daddy. You knew that he would put you back in bed and tell you another story. Or even sometimes let you sleep in his bed with him. "I know." You said and went downstairs and watched tv. It was a silent film that only had classical music. And since you couldn't read well you didn't understand what was going on. "This is boring..." You yawned. After a while you fell asleep on the floor. "What is the tv doing on?" Sora asked after getting a glass of water. He turned it off and that was when he noticed you. You were fast asleep on the floor. "What do I do?" He asked looking at you. He sighed and picked you up and put you in bed. He found an old teddy bear in his closet. It was his when he was little. He put it next to you and tucked you in. "Good night ___." He said looking at you. You then hugged the bear in your sleep. "I promise that I'll save your family and restore your home." He whispered and shut the door.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now