Part 7

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You saw someone in your room. He immediately covered your mouth. "Be a good little girl and come with me. You know what will happen if you don't..." He said in a very serious tone. This was the same voice that was in your nightmares. You stood still thinking about what they'll do to your family. "You know what I will do if you don't come." He said. You nodded slowly. You went with him. You didn't want to but they continued to play with your mind. You just couldn't take it anymore. You didn't know what was real or what was made up. You felt like this was right. "You can't hurt Sora,Riku and Kairi! If you do I'll run away! I will always find away to escape!" You said frowning. "Fine! Besides we are almost there..." He said. You frowned as you followed him. "So why are you with them?" You asked looking at him. "Because I want to recover something I lost." "Do you really think that the organization is going to help you?" You asked him. He stayed silent and thought for a minute. "I think that I might get some clues." "This isn't the real you is it?" You asked him. "Why are you asking so many questions?!" He asked. "I'm's just I see who you are....and I don't think that you belong with them." You said looking at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've seen you in my nightmares. In them I can sense your heart...and I think that you are confused. You're heart is full of darkness...but I can see deep within that you have light." You said. "I don't know what you are talking about! Your mind is playing tricks on you." He said. "I don't think so. Because you could have taken my heart easily....couldn't you? I think that you spared me. But why?" You asked him. He sighed looking at you. "I used to be a kid like you. Until I let the darkness in my heart. I have to find my dad. I haven't met him but I know that he's with the darkness.." Xander said. "I see...Maybe darkness isn't the way. Besides what would your mom think..." You said. "My mom doesn't care about me!" Xander said looking away. "At least you remember her..." You sighed. "You don't remember your mom?" He asked. You shook your head. "Daddy doesn't like to talk about her. I even ask my aunts or uncles but they don't like to talk about her either. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine what she was like..." You said. "Oh..." He said remembering his mom. "I shouldn't have just ran away from her....I wonder if she'll forgive me..." "Of course she will. I have to apologize to my dad. If I ever see him again..." You said looking down. Xander looked down. If he brought you in. The organization would use your powers to capture Kingdom Hearts. You probably be destroyed by your own powers. He stopped walking. "What's the matter?" You asked him. "Find Sora and the others! Go back to the past!" He yelled. "What? But they are at your base..." You said. "Listen to have to leave! They will destroy you! You will never see your dad again ____!" "We are so close to saving my home. There's no turning back. I don't care what they do to me. As long as my family and friends are safe. I don't care. Besides you have to find your mom Xander. I shouldn't have other people fight my battles. Everyone is risking their lives for me. If I could do anything at all to help them I'll do it! So continue to take me to your base. I have to save you and also Alex and Maxi! I can see the light deep within your hearts. I saw it when Maxi was brushing my hair. She was in the form of Kairi." You said. Xander wondered how did you know? "You are too much like your dad." He whispered. "Huh?" You asked not hearing him. "Never mind. I completely forgot about the bug!" Xander said taking the clip out of your hair. He smashed it to bits.


"Where is Xander?!" Alex yelled as Sora hit him with the keyblade. "Probably playing some sort of game! He never listens to us!" Maxi said. "He was supposed to come here and bring ___." Alex said. "What?!" Sora yelled fighting the two. "They didn't come up on the tracker I put on her." She said hitting Kairi with blizzard. "Ow!" Kairi said. "A tracker? You guys bugged ___?" Riku asked hitting Alex with his keyblade. "Yes that's how we came back home!" She said using dark fire on Sora. Sora blocked it and then strike raid on her. "My hair! What did you do to my hair?!" Maxi said feeling her head. Her hair was short on one side and long on the other. "You look cute." Alex said. "Really...thank you!" She said smiling. That was when Kairi came out of no where and used blizzard on them. "Hey! That's my thing!" Maxi said hitting Kairi with fire.


"We are almost there. I can't believe that I'm taking you to the master." He said looking forward. You looked around. This castle look beautiful. For it being full of darkness. You looked around the throne room it was cold and dark. But yet there was just something about it. You couldn't put your finger on it. But it felt familiar to you. That was when you got a headache. You remembered this castle. It was really weird. "Who...was that?" You asked frowning.  You could feel the darkness trying to destroy your heart. "He isn't here. Let's go back..." Xander said frowning. You stood still. You didn't want to leave you wanted to see these memories. Your eyes turned empty and dull. Xander didn't know what to do. So he picked you up and brought you back home. Only to find Roxas pointing his keyblade at him. "What did you do to ____?!" He asked. "She wanted to leave!" Xander yelled fighting him. "I don't believe you!" Roxas said. The two clashed and it didn't end pretty. Xander was on the edge of fading away. "I'm sorry....____. If I come back I promise that I'll be on your side..." He said looking at you. He opened a portal and left. Immediately after that Roxas went to find Namine. If anyone knew what was wrong with you it would be her. "Oh no...this isn't good." She said looking at you. "Can you fix her heart?" Roxas asked. "Yes....only. She'll forget Sora...and act like a completely different person." She said frowning. "Sora as in Sora? Or do you mean her dad?" Roxas said. "She'll still have her memories of dad. She just won't recognize him." She said sighing. You didn't stir as you snuggled your rabbit plush. "If I don't hurry her heart might be lost..." Namine said taking a rabbit plushie away from you. "We don't have a choice. You're going to have to do it..." Roxas said frowning. Namine took out a sketch book and began drawing.


"I can't believe that he got away...." Sora said holding his shoulder. Their leader was extremely hard to beat."At least he can't return here..." Kairi said sighing. "To think Alex and Maxi gave themselves up in order to prevent him from coming back here." Riku said. "Yeah..." Sora said still confused as to why they did it. It didn't matter because _____'s home was safe now. Sora couldn't wait to tell you. There was a bright flash coming out of no where. "What?!" Sora asked.

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