New Members~2

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~ Skip to a week later because the road works ahead~

Anthony and Ian walked into the Smosh Games office. "What's up, guys?" Sohinki said, all of us turning around in our chairs and pausing whatever games we were playing.

"Well, we have an announcement to make," Anthony said, looking at Ian excitedly.

"That you two have finally started dating so the palpable sexual tension dissipates?" I asked just to ruffle their feathers. My coworkers chuckled.

"No, Y/N," Ian said, giving me a pointed look, "it's not that."

Anthony quickly switched gears. "Anyway, our announcement is actually more of a professional matter."

"That's right. We're getting new Smosh Games members!"

We let out soft cheers, because we didn't want another noise complaint. "That's great!" Wes said. I could see everyone's eyes sparking in wonder at what our new coworkers would be like.

"We'll be filming an induction video on Wednesday next week, so, Sohin, Flitz, Wes, Lazer, Joven, Mari, Y/N? You're on duty that day," Ian explained.

"Aye, aye, captain!" I barked, saluting. "Now if you'll excuse me, Skyrim awaits!"

The men in the doorway just laughed. "Dismissed!"

~ Skip to Next week because they were roommates~

It was quiet. All was silent in the secret sanctuary of my bedroom. Life couldn't have been more pea- 

"NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN, NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU" Gosh danggit. I looked down at my phone. Literally a minute till my alarm would go off. Fantastic. I switched off the alarm and picked up the phone. "What is it, Joven?"

"Do you need a ride to work? I was just driving by your area of town and I thought I'd be nice."

I looked down at my sorry state having just woken up. "When would you be here?"

"About fifteen minutes."

I tried to work out the logistics in my head. "Can I do my makeup in the car?"

He laughed. "As long as you don't get stuff on the seats, sure."

"Okay, see you in fifteen."

"Bye." I hung up the phone, thanking my lucky stars that I had laid out an outfit beforehand.

" I hung up the phone, thanking my lucky stars that I had laid out an outfit beforehand

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I started putting on my makeup. Best case scenario, I wouldn't have to do any makeup in Joven's car. I put on my foundation, powder, and eyeliner. I was just putting on some blush so I didn't look dead when I heard a honk outside. I threw my phone and wallet into my sling bag and rushed outside.

"Thanks for picking me up, man," I said, strapping myself into the passenger seat of Joven's car. 

"No problem, but what about your makeup?"

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