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I sat up, holding my head as if that would stop it hurting. That is the last time I drink that much in one night, I thought. Looking over at the end table I saw my Aspirin bottle and a glass of water, meaning that I was either a rational drunk or someone had brought me home. Laughing at the thought that I might be rational when I was drunk, I racked my brain, trying to remember someone taking me home. A random memory surfaced in my brain; I was sitting on my kitchen counter, swaying unsteadily as Damien asked me where my cups were. I shot a quick text to him.

(D-Damien Y-you)

Y-Hey, thanks for taking me home last night. Did I do or say anything weird?

D-No prob. You were very flirty tho...

Y-Oh, sorry lol. Im a major flirt when I'm drunk.

D-It's cool.

I set down my phone. At least I didn't do anything completely unusual. I downed two pills and took a sip of the water, reaching for the remote. Luckily, today was a Saturday, so I didn't have to go into work. I laid back and enjoyed a lazy day of watching Netflix on the couch.

~the next day~

I woke up the next day without a hangover, a feeling I relished. My hands wandered to my phone at the side of the bed. 12:06 PM. I sighed, sitting up in bed. It was nice to sleep in late sometimes. I quickly bored myself with Netflix, pausing every so often to go to the bathroom or eat. Then, I had an idea. I texted Mari.

(M-Mari, Y-you)

Y-Hey, wanna have a girls day today, just us?


M-Sure, be over in half an hour.

I looked around at my apartment, thanking myself for cleaning it for once. I put the Aspirin from yesterday away and set out some nail stuff, just in case. I normally didn't do my nails, but maybe I would, this time.

Damien POV

After a day of lazing around my house, I got a text from Shayne. I texted back.

(S-Shayne, D-Damien)

S-Wanna hang out today and play some Smash?

D-Sure. My place?

S-Be there in ten.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast, waiting for Shayne to arrive.

~one hour later~


I fiddled with the nail polish bottle, laughing with Mari about a joke she had said. "Yeah, that reminds me of something Damien said last week-" I started.

Mari swiftly cut me off. "Okay, no," she said, "I'm tired of this. You have known the man for two weeks and you've mentioned him five times in the last hour. You are in love." She raised her voice at the end, almost yelling at me. I sighed. Mari wasn't usually one for theatrics and I could tell she wouldn't let this one go.

Damien POV

"You son of a goose!" I said as Shayne lapped me. This was the fifth time he had beaten me in Mario Kart today. I flopped back on the couch and accepted defeat.

"I won, I won!" Shayne sing-songed, dancing a jig. I closed my eyes, giving a little smirk. Shayne stopped dancing and looked at me, concerned. "What's up, man?"

"Huh?" I said, sitting back up and opening my eyes.

"You usually don't accept defeat this easily."

"Well yeah, you don't normally beat me five times in a row, either."

"You were smiling though....does this have anything to do with taking Y/N home from the party the other day?" Shayne asked, a sh*t-eating grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, I've told you this. I took her to her house because she was blacked out and I didn't want her going home alone. I would never take advantage of a drunk girl."

"Fine, but I was just kind of hoping, y'know, she's been single for a long time, you've been single for a long time-"

"Wow, salt in the wound."

"I'm just saying, if you'd want to get together with her..." he trailed off, leaving me to fill in the blank in my own mind.


"I'm not in love. I thought we had a discussion about you not interfering in my love life anymore?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not interfering, and besides everyone has seen you guys flirting. I'm just pushing for it." She said, her tone sounding almost reasonable.

I huffed. "I don't like Damien. I mean, sure, he's funny, nice, cute-"

Damien POV

I shook my head. "I don't like Y/N. We're just frien-"


"-but we're just friends. Plus, we work together."

"Fine," Mari sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes. "But I'm keeping an eye on you."

Damien POV

"I'm gonna stop you right there, buddy," Shayne said. "stop bs-ing me and just tell me the truth. I'm your best friend."

"Fine," I said, "you want to know the truth? I do like her. I have for a while. But she doesn't like me, so I can't really do anything about it." I sighed. I knew I sounded a tad whiny, but Shayne knew what I was trying to say.

Shayne appeared to be contemplating the scenario. "Alright, I'll try and help you. But for now, let's just relax. Another round of Mario Kart."

I smiled, rolling my eyes. "Fine, you're on."

Son of a Goose! (Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now