Party Time~3

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~that night~

I grabbed the cheapest bottle of bourbon I could find at the liquor store. I usually didn't drink, but I thought I might tonight, and I didn't want to spend a bunch of money to do so. I knew I would already have to get an Uber to and from Mari's house, so cheap booze it was for me. 

I pulled on my outfit and put on some simple, but still cute, makeup.

I put my bourbon in my purse and waited outside my house for the Uber I ordered

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I put my bourbon in my purse and waited outside my house for the Uber I ordered.

~one drive later~

I got to Mari's house early, because I thought she might like some help setting up.

"N/N, thank God you're here. I'm so unprepared. Can you get out the red cups? They're up in the cabinet. I have to cover the outlets."

I laughed, remembering the time Shayne, drunk off his a**, had almost stuck a fork in an electric socket. "Sure thing, Mari."

I reached up to the cabinet, seeing the cups just out of my reach. Cursing my short stature, I hopped up onto the counter, standing on my knees and grabbing at the cups. I jumped down, placing the cups on the table, as well as my bottle. I poured myself some, trying to get a buzz going before everyone else arrived.

Mari POV

I grabbed the socket covers out of the closet, placing them in all the open sockets I could find. It was kind of ironic that I had to baby-proof my house for my drunk friends. After I finished, I walked to the living room to see Y/N drinking on the couch. She turned towards me, her flushed cheeks showing that she was already a bit tipsy. So tonight was a drinking night.

I looked down at my watch, seeing that we still had a good twenty minutes before the party started. I sat down beside her, taking her cup. "I'm cutting you off for now, Princess."

"But whyyyyyy," Y/N whined.

"Because we still have a half hour till everyone's here, and I don't want you tmi-ing too much in truth or dare. So, why're we drinking tonight?" I asked, switching topics.

"I don't know, man," she said. I waited. Y/N always eventually told the truth when she was drunk. "Fine," she sighed, "if you must know, I'm still kind of upset that none of these dates you set up have panned out. I just want to find someone, and I feel like time's running out." I nodded. "When I was younger, I told people I wanted to be married by 27. I'm already 26, Mari. At this point, I just want to be in a steady relationship by 27."

"Yeah, I get that," I said, understandingly, "but things will happen in their own time. Just be patient."

*Ding Dong*

I went and opened the door to find Damien, Joven, and Boze there. They must've carpooled. I let them in and Y/N jumped up from the couch. "Can I get my cup back now, Mar?"

I laughed at her antics, handing her solo cup back to her.

~halfway into the party~


Wow, I never realized everyone from my office was so hot. I mean, I may have been an incredibly flirty drunk, but there were some seriously beautiful people here. Mari hopped up on the couch and shouted over the noise. "Hey, guys, truth or dare." 

We all sat in a circle around the living room. It was at this point that I realized I was only wearing one shoe, and it wasn't mine. Eh, that's a problem for sober Y/N. Mari went first, and we went around the circle. I watched my friends, in different states of drunkenness, kissing each other, drinking mystery shots, and revealing weird secrets. There were only a few sober people. Then it came to me. 

"Okay, Y/N," Courtney said, hiccuping, "truth or dare?"

"Truth," I slurred. I was like 80% drunk-o at this point.

"Okay, what turns you on?"

"I don't know, man. Like, sexy men. I guess." Everyone laughed.

"That's not a turn on. Do you have, like, kinks or anything?" Courtney was probably drunker than I was.

"I don't think I do. I'm a vanilla sort of gal." More like I don't have any experience, I thought to myself. "Okay, Noah, truth or dare?" I asked. I took another sip of my bourbon and watched the game go on.

~nearing the end of the party~

Damien POV

After truth or dare, Y/N stumbled over to me. She was absolutely trashed. "Hey, handsome," she slurred, "how're you?"

"Good, Y/N, how're you?" I raised my eyebrow, looking her up and down. She was wearing one of Joven's shoes, her other foot was bare, and her hair was falling out of the bun she had it up in.

"I'm cool like a crocodile." She paused to giggle at her own nonsense joke. "Whatcha drinkin' Damie-Dames?"

"Just water," I said, shaking my cup. "I don't drink."

"I usually don't drink either. I just felt, like, lonely." She smiled sleepily, pushing out her bottom lip. I'm sure she was trying to flirt with me, but she just looked like a child.

I laughed. "Same."

"Well, bye, Damie," she said, stumbling into the door. Literally into the door. She attempted it a few more times before I went over and escorted her out. 

"Can I walk you home?" I asked, getting a bad feeling about her walking home alone by herself.

"Sure, cutie," she said. Y/N hadn't shown any signs of interest before, but now she was hardcore flirting. 

~one walk home later~

"Thank you for walking me home, you big, strong, man," Y/N cooed.

"Sure thing," I said, looking under her doormat for a key. I found one and unlocked the door, ushering her into the apartment.

"You know, you're really sweet for walking home with a girl you barely know," Y/N said, a Southern accent coming to her voice. "How are you still single?"

Wow, hitting that wound, huh? I thought. I quickly reminded myself that she was probably blacked out and not aware in the slightest of what she was saying. "I don't know," I laughed awkwardly, "probably just unlucky. If I leave you here, can you take care of yourself?"

"Yeah! I'm a grown-a** adult woman who don't need no man. Although," she said, eyeing me, "I might want a man."

I ignored her theatrics, putting a blanket  on the couch, and putting some Aspirin and a glass of water on the end table next to it. I laid her down on the couch, covering her with the blanket. She was out before her head hit the pillow. I exited the apartment, locking the door and putting the key back under the mat. 

As I was walking home, I couldn't help thinking about my interaction with drunk Y/N. I knew in my head that she was most likely a very flirty drunk, and that she hadn't even known what she was saying to me. As I tucked myself into bed that night, though, I felt a twinge of sadness. 

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