I won't say...~5

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I walked into the office that Monday deep in thought. Did I really flirt with Damien that much? I mean, I'm a flirty person (more so when I'm drunk, obviously) but there's no way I had a crush on him. Then again, Mari is my best friend, she'd know if I was more flirtatious than normal, but on the other hand-oof!

I bumped into something big and definitely solid (Okay, maybe not big, but when you're as short as I am, everyone is big). Falling back onto my a**, I saw Shayne fall onto his as well. I groaned, standing back up (hey, I was only 26, but my bones were cracking like rice krispies), and offered Shayne a hand. 

Taking my hand and pulling himself up, he said, "Hey, Y/N, I was just looking for you. Can you film an EBE with us right now?"

"Uhh, let me check." I flipped to my calendar app, exposing my schedule for the day. "Sure, I don't have any shoots, just some writing for the pitch meeting."

Holding onto my wrist, he tugged me toward the set. I shrugged and let him pull me. For some reason Shayne seemed a little too excited for me to film with them. We walked into the set, and I was finally able to wrench Shayne's hand off of my wrist. 

I walked over to Ian, hoping to get some semblance of what I was here to do. "Hey, Ian, what's up?"

"Hey, Y/N. I sent Shayne to find you, but, I guess you already knew that."

"Yeah, that banshee over there practically dragged me in here." I gave Shayne a pointed look.

"Any who, we're filming Every Drunk Ever. I know this is kind of short notice, but could you fill in for Olivia? She called in sick today. You won't have that many lines."

"Sure, I didn't really have anything to do today."

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." He handed me a copy of the strip and I read over it as I got into costume and makeup. Ian was right, I was only going to be in a few scenes. In one, I was a drunk girl being encouraged in a club bathroom. In another, I was the "responsible" drunk friend herding all her other friends home. In the last one, I was just in the background of a club scene---MAKING OUT WITH DAMIEN?! 

I speed-walked back over to Ian, now in my short dress and smudged makeup, to ask about the nature of this scene. "Hey, Ian, can I ask you about this part of my last scene?"

"Yeah, what's up?" He turned to look at me.

"Um, so, here I'm making out with Damien? Is this like a fake make out, or does it have to be real for camera?" (For those of you who're wondering why I didn't ask why I was making out with Damien, once you've worked this job as long as I have, you don't ask why, you ask how.)

"I mean, I know it might be uncomfortable, but if you could for-real make out, that would make it easier to frame." He put a hand on my shoulder. "But it's your choice."

I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it for you, father dearest." I trudged off to film my first scene.

~time skip 'cause a potato flew around my room~

After my first two scenes, I had some down time. I decided to walk down to the SG office, barely aware of my current state, to get some writing done. I sat down at my desk chair, setting an alarm for when I had to be back on set. I swear, I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on. 

Wes quirked an eyebrow, turning and tapping me on the shoulder. "Hey, Y/N?" I took off my headphones.

"Yeah, Wes?"

"Forgive my word choice, but..what is this?" He gestured to my outfit.

"Oh!" I looked down at myself, realizing my appearance for the first time. "I'm filming an EBE with the squad, but they don't need me for, like, an hour. I figured I'd come down here and get some work done. This is just a costume."

"Okay, that makes sense." We both turned back to our work.

~you know what I'm doing, so why am I still explaining?~

My alarm buzzed in my back pocket, signalling me to get back to set. I turned off my computer, shirked my headphones, and made my way back to EBE. 

I got my makeup retouched and changed into a different dress, silently prepping myself to make out with my coworker. I mean, I had done romantic punishments and such before, but I had never made out with any of the people I worked with.

I flopped into the booth seat in the back of the set where we'd be filming our scene. Closing my eyes, I groaned. Thinking back on it, I had never actually made out with anyone. I wasn't exactly a catch in high school, and since then I had been too focused on my career to have many...romantic encounters. Fine, I'll just come out and say it-I was still a virgin. Spending so much time on work was also probably why Martin had cheated on me.

Before I could go back into the dumps about my ex, I felt someone sit down beside me. I blinked open my eyes and saw Damien sitting there.

He smiled nervously at me and waved. "Hey," he chuckled.

"Relax, newbie," I said, patting his shoulder, "you've done worse at this job." I laughed. "Heck, we both have."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He rubbed the back of his neck. I could tell was anxious by the blush on his face.

Damien POV

I can't believe it. This wasn't exactly what I thought Shayne would do when he said he'd "help" me. Olivia calling in had been a coincidence, but I was willing to bet Y/N being volunteered for this wasn't. We're just friends. All I had to do was keep reminding myself of that.

"Alright, places everyone," Sarah shouted. This was going to be a long take.

A/N And this is where this chapter ends. I'm a mean little author, aren't I? MUAHAHAHA!

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