Fire and Ice

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~ An Otayuri drabble from MONTHS ago (I'm aware that the grammar is an utter disaster, I'm too lazy to fix it) that can only be described as an "oh shit, a fire" fic. 


"Beka!" Yuri screams, eyes shooting to the burning building. At the same time as he begins to run, a pair of arms encircle him, keeping him in place. "No!" Yuri cries, fighting savagely against Victor's restraints, "He's in there! Beka!" Yuri struggles and claws at his bonds, desperate to get to his fiance, tears streaming down his soot-covered face, "Let me go! I have to get to him!"

"No," Victor's voice shakes from the effort it takes to keep Yuri from breaking free, "You can't run into a burning building-- Yuri, please!"

"Beka!" Yuri's blind to what's happening around him, deaf to Victor's pleas as he holds him fast, all he knows is that the man he loves is trapped where he can't get to him and he has to get to him.

"Yuri, calm down! You're hurting him!" Yuuri's at his elbow, looking worriedly between his husband and his captive.

Later, Yuri will see that in the places he clawed at Victor's grip, there are deep nail gauges, blood caked in them, and bruises everywhere his flailing, desperate limbs had made contact with the other man. Now, though, he can't care less about anything because he needs to get to Otabek; he could die, he could--

"Yura!" Victor's grip slackens and Yuri wrenches himself out of it, flying towards the flames and the coughing, soot-covered figure emerging from them.

"Beka!" Yuri catches him, half-dragging, half-carrying him away from what used to be the ice rink. Cottoning on to what's unfolding before them, Yuuri and Victor rush at the pair currently struggling towards the parking lot.

Heaving Otabek over to the small stretch of grassy area that divides up the parking spaces, Yuuri and Victor each hook an arm around Otabek's, supporting him gently down onto the greenery. Yuri ducks out from his position supporting his fiance and falls at his side, cupping his face in his hands and raking over his form with his eyes.

"What is wrong with you!" Yuri screams, drawing Otabek's previously out-of-focus gaze toward him. "You can't just go running into a fire! What were you thinking!"

"I couldn't find you," Otabek manages, his voice rough and croaky from the smoke, and immediately he begins to cough from the words. "I thought you were still in there,"

"You can't do that to me!" Yuri can't keep the hysteria from his voice, "What if you'd gotten hurt-- what if you'd died!" His voice is furious but his eyes are nothing short of terrified, tear-tracks smearing the ash on his face.

"It's okay," Otabek mumbles, "I'm okay, Yura," Otabek moves a hand up to brush away the soot from Yuri's cheek and Yuri lets out a sort of strangled sob before pulling the man into his arms. Yuri clings to Otabek for dear life, and it's only when Otabek makes a small, pained sound does Yuri loosen his bone-crushing grip.

"Beka?" Yuri's eyes rove over Otabek's face and frame, "What is it? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Otabek grimaces, but when Yuri sets a careful hand onto the side of his chest Otabek flinches.

"No," Yuri says, eyes widening with another onslaught of fear, "No, no, you're hurt--"


Yuri springs up from his seat as the doctor walks through the waiting room doors.

"Is he okay?" He asks anxiously, hands twisting unconsciously before him. The doctor smiles kindly at him, setting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be fine," He says gently, "Just a few minor burns, some bruised ribs, and low-level smoke inhalation. I can take you to see him now," Yuri nods without a word and lets himself be guided through the maze of hallways, and upon reaching Otabek's door, completely tunes out anything the doctor might be saying, and rushes right into the room.

"Yura," Otabek moves to sit up in bed but winces and Yuri is immediately at his side, gently pushing him back down onto the cushions.

"Hey," Yuri says with an anxious smile, "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Otabek says gently, taking Yuri's hands and pushing off the oxygen mask from over his nose and mouth, "Just a little banged up-- how are you?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine,"

"You look like you're about to have a nervous breakdown."

Yuri glares, "Ha-ha."

"I wasn't joking. Yuri, with all the love in the world: you look like shit."

Yuri snorts. "Can't imagine why," Yuri flicks a piece of singed hair behind his ear, "Couldn't be because I, oh, I don't know, just stepped out of a goddamn fire and my fiance almost killed himself."

This time Otabek snorts, before gently pulling Yuri forward by his burned, blackened, and thoroughly disheveled braid. Yuri smiles, kissing him gently and then resting his forehead on Otabek's.

"You scared the hell out of me," He murmurs, "You can't do that. Beka, I thought you died. I-- you can't do that," Yuri's voice wavers dangerously and he doesn't have enough energy left to fight the few tears he feels slipping down his face.

"I know, I'm sorry," Otabek replies quietly, "I promise, no more running into fires,"

"No more running into fires," Yuri confirms, lifting his head and swiping at the stray tears, though he makes the mess of soot and ash on his face even worse by smearing it. "Hey, Beka?" Yuri asks, looking up at him, "Will you marry me?"

Otabek smiles softly at him,

"We're already engaged, Yuriyim,"

"But will you marry me?" Yuri persists, and Otabek gives him a loving look, picking up his hand and kissing the back of it.

"Yes, Yuratchka, always."

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