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~ Otabek Altin, fourth in line for the throne of Almatia, ambassador of said kingdom, has heard incredible things about the ambassador of San Piter, the nation he is about to take a post in. The alpha of the Plisetsky house (the ruling family of San Piter) is supposed to be equipped with striking intelligence, sharp wit, and scathing insults for all who deserve them, and Otabek is equal parts apprehensive and excited to meet this man.

Upon arriving in San Piter, though, he finds the alpha (who is apparently a woman) to be friendly and amiable, vivacious in every facet of the word. Otabek is surprised, though, when he meets a breathtakingly beautiful omega male, a Plisetsky who insults Otabek on sight, refuses to tell him his name, and accuses him of having a small dick. And all with the utmost politeness.
As the visit progresses, Otabek finds himself more and more drawn to and intrigued by this omega who defies all social stereotypes and does so while maintaining the politest, most unwavering disdain for Otabek he has ever encountered. Who could this mysterious omega be, and how has Otabek never heard of him?
Or: My contribution to YOI Omegaverse week's prompt for day two, royalty and scent.

This is kinda Downton Abbey just with YOI characters. Fun.


Otabek was tired: absolutely worn out; he had been traveling all day and really just wanted to be able to blow off his hosts, collapse, and go to sleep the second he got to the Plisetsky Manor. As the newly-appointed ambassador of Almatia in San Piter, he was able to do absolutely none of those things, and instead had to attend a party he did not want to go to with a smile on his face. As much as he was grateful for the position, Otabek didn't want his job right now. Oh well, though; he was 25 years old and it was time for him to put on his adult mask and pretend to be better than he actually was. Oh, the life of a prince.

As the youngest son of the Altin family, rulers of Almatia, Otabek had two brothers and a sister in line for the throne before him, and was therefore shunted to diplomatic work, hence his position as foreign ambassador in San Piter. Otabek didn't mind it; he was proud of his job and enjoyed the work, but he had never quite gotten used to the hours of travel between the two nations. At least this time, though, he'd be staying in San Piter for the foreseeable future, so he wouldn't have to deal with the return journey.

He slowed his horse as the manor gates came into view, riding up to them and waiting as they opened the gates before circling back to accompany the carriage with his sister and her husband inside it. This visit to San Piter went beyond the call of work, though it was true that first and foremost this trip was to situate Otabek with his new living quarters in San Piter, and there was a group of friends and allies from neighboring nations staying at the Manor for a social visit. Personally, Otabek was not excited to rub elbows with the rich and snobby elite but had accepted his fate and only wished that he was acquainted with everyone who would be there. As it was, Otabek was on friendly terms with the ambassador from Candia, Jean-Jacques, the one from Amerit, Leo, and several others, but there were a number of guests he had only ever heard of.

The Crispino twins, from Venici, Christophe Giacometti from Swissan, and, of course, the Katsuki-Nikiforov duo, a married couple, Katsuki an ambassador from Japai and Nikiforov a cousin of the Plisetsky family, heir to and ambassador of Moscovita. And then, the most infamous of all who he had never met, the San Piter ambassador who worked with them all, heir to the throne and firstborn Plisetsky child. Otabek had been told that the alpha these titles belonged to was brilliant, equipped with striking intelligence, sharp wit, and scathing remarks for all that deserved them. Otabek was a bit apprehensive about meeting them but was nonetheless intrigued-- this alpha sounded like none he'd ever come across, more like his sister, Amina, whose words could strike one down more efficiently than the best sword.

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