~Back to School ✨

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~October 21s 2019~

Kevin's POV

It's currently Sunday, the boys and I had to use our amazing vampire powers to convince their parents to let them stay with us. Which it worked. I call everyone to the living room to chat with them for a bit. Roderick, Bri, and LeAnna rushed down the stairs along with Tyler and Oliver. They all sat down on the couch looking up at me.

"Y'all we need to discuss som-"

"Wait! Where's Jordan and Destiny?" Rodrick quickly cut me off, asking.

All of a sudden we hear moaning and banging coming from up the stairs.

"I know you fucking lying..." LeAnna sighed annoyingly

"Right bae! That could've been us up there right now.. :(" Tyler pouted

"If you don't shut your ass up..." LeAnna looked at Tyler with a stank look on her face

We all looked at both of them laughing. Bri got up and sat on Oliver's lap resting her head on his chest. She looked at me while yawing.
"Are you gonna tell us what's going on or...?"

"Ah yes! Well the boys and I spoke with your parents, so y'all could live here if you'd like! Also we need to get back to school.. we've been missing quite a few days which can be very bad on our part.." I let out a soft sigh

"Can't we just use our vampire powers to like... get rid of our absences on our record?" Rodrick asked.

"I mean.. yeah we can babe. But I rather not.." I responded back.

"Fuck that! I'm trying to get into a good ass college with a perfect attendance! Y'all better use those damn powers to good use!" LeAnna said while getting a bit irritated

"Don't worry babe I got you" Tyler comforted LeAnna

I giggled at them both. Then we hear Jordan and Destiny finally walking down the stairs. They both look at us with a confuse look on their faces.

"What did we miss?" Destiny asked

We all rolled our eyes and continued on with our day.

~Later On that day~

Bri's POV

Oliver and I just came home from the mall. We had a blast honestly! Got some new clothes and we ate good today. We quickly rushed into my room, I tossed our bags to the side and sat in my bad feeling exhausted.

"Well that was fun, huh?" Oliver asked

"Yeah I had a really good time with you today" I responded while smiling at him

"I'm glad babe" he smiled back at me

Oliver came to sit down next me, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek. He then lays down on his back on my bed and looked over at me.

"Wanna take a shower together and call it a night?" He asked with a smirk on his face

I slowly turn my head towards him and look at him with a cute innocent smile and said "No. why would I shower with a trash can like you?"

He looked at me with a annoyed look on his face. He rolled over and fake cry into my pillow. I shook my head at him and went to the bathroom by myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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