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"Right now?" He asked, tilting his head. "Don't we have an exam?"

He looked around at all the others, exasperated when they didn't seem at all phased that they were about to have an exam in an hour— or less.

"Look, it'll only take a few minutes. There's something we need to borrow from Harry." Hermione emphasized the 'borrow' , only making him more suspicious and reluctant to follow through with whatever they had planned.

"And," she went on, " we need you to distract him while I sneak in and grab the items we need to acquire ."

Draco's breath hitched at the thought of having to distract him while Hermione scours through his belongings. However, he knew he'd have to see him eventually. It's better to do it sooner than later.

They all stared at him pleadingly, waiting for his answer. He let out a sigh of exasperation, taking a seat on a sky-blue chair nearby. He practically had no choice. "Alright, I'll do it. But are you sure she used a-,"

"Love potion? Yeah, I'm sure." Ron replied bitterly. The way he was feeling was understandable, no one would want to find out that their sister had used a love potion on their best friend, and had previously threatened the person his friend actually had feelings for.

Pansy cleared her throat, getting their attention. "We'll need to 'borrow' quite a few items, and I believe Hermione's the right person for the job. All you need to do is make sure he doesn't see her, alright?" She inquired, waiting for an answer. Draco gave her a short nod as he arose from his seat.

Hermione got up, too. She was mumbling something, it seemed as if she was reading off of a small piece of parchment she held in her hand. When she noticed he was looking at her, she briskly stuffed the note in the pocket of her robes, rushing out of the RoR. She gestured for him to follow her, and he did as told.

After they had reached the distinct paining of two apples, Hermione, once again, stopped Draco before he could say the password.

"You're going to bring him out here, saying you want to show him something, while I sneak in." She lowered her voice to a whisper, making it nearly inaudible.

"Um- what do I-,"

"Just think of something!" She whispered harshly, creeping up to where the hallway turns, which he assumed would be her hiding spot.

He took a deep breath, building up the courage. "Tristus Acidus." He spoke, in a loud, clear voice. He raised his hand, bringing it closer to the doorknob. Although he was trembling with hesitance on the inside, he didn't let it show. He had to keep his cool.

Tentatively, he turned the doorknob, pushing open the door. No matter how much he tried to stop it, every time he laid his eyes on the raven-haired Gryffindor, he felt breathless. He was comfortably sitting on the sofa, intently studying for their exam. Draco took a few steps forward, until he was right behind the sofa.

Harry absentmindedly bit his lip, seemingly confused. It looked like the roles had been switched, and Harry was distracting Draco instead. However, he was brought back to reality when he heard a soft thump on the painting.

His stomach was suddenly and expert at backflips, and he was practically quivering, but he wouldn't let it show in his voice.

"Need help, Potter?" He asked, tilting his head inquisitively.

Harry's head immediately snapped up to where Draco stood, wearing his usual smirk. Harry smiled, gesturing for him to sit down next to him.

Can I Be Him~ A Drarry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now