chapter 5

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Gine and Goten sat anxiously behind the big prickly bush infront of their cottage house as they continued to await for their older brother to head out for Orange star high

"Are we really doing this" whimpered Goten nervously

Gine shot a demanding glare at her twin brother

"Dont be silly Goten of course we are"

The young Son twins had decided that today they would see the outside world, better yet the infamous highschool Gohan got to go to everyday

"Today is the only chance to get to go check out a school, dont you remeber moms going to Bulmas today"

Goten looked down at the grass he had been picking at for the last 10 minutes and spoke quietly to Gine

"Do you think high schools are scary" he mumbled

Gine looked back suprisingly at her brother, Goten had never been the type to be scared by a challenge or an adventure

She took hold of his hand and gave him a light squeeze to reassure the young Saiyan

"Wait Gine look! its Gohan, his getting on Nimbus!"

Gine looked back to see her older brother get on top of the family's cloud while he waved his mother goodbye, she began fixating on the millions of clouds Gohan had set into,

she would never admit it but the youngest daughter of Goku was immensely jealous by the opportunities Gohan was given. althought Gine loved to fight and sparr with strong opponents such as her brothers or Trunks, she always longed for more, a bigger life outisde of her small cottage

her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Goten grabbing hold of her arm, he pointed something out in distance,
she squinted hard to see her mother getting into the capsule corp helicopter Bulma had given to her

"now we just need to wait until she goes and then we leave" snickered Goten as he gleemed cheerfully back at Gine

the Saiyan twins sat completely frozen as they began to see the helicopter set off into the sky, they watched mezmerised as the grand high-tech vehicle rode their mother into the northern atmospheres of the earth, Gine and Goten hadn't seen helicopters and gadgets like those many times in their life

Gine quickly pulled back her brother into reality by shaking his arm "cmon Goten, lets go get dressed"

they came back into their bedroom to see the masterpiece outfit they had both pulled together the previous night, their brothers long blue trousers along with an oversized shirt that once belonged to their father

"okay Goten get on top of my shoulders, QUICKLY!"

Goten jumped onto his sisters shoulders as he had been demanded and slowly started placing on his late fathers top while Gine jumped into Gohans trousers, as they both stared into the mirror they soon realised the costume wasnt enough to fool anyone that they were old enough to attend high school

"we need something to make my face look older" huffed Goten at the sight of his baby face frowning back at him against the mirror

"how about we put sunglasses on you and one of moms halloween wigs" suggested Gine

Goten's face lit up at the perfect advice Gine had provided them, the now joint body ran over into their mothers wadrobe as they began frantically searching for her designer sunglasses and cheap halloween wig

the reflection that they saw looking back at them definitly wasnt the most attrctive, but they decided it would do

"okay, no time to waste Goten lets set off"

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