How you met

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It was mid summer and the weather had been gorgeous lately, so one day you decide to go to your favorite park for a while. You dressed yourself in your favorite pair of shorts and shirt then slipped on your sneakers and headed out. As you walked you couldn't help but notice the small things, like the birds chirping And the children running around outside.

You got to the park and were surprised to see few people there. Usually on days like today the parks were buzzing with people, but not today. You shrugged it off and went over to the swings and sat on one. Sure it was a bit childish considering your age, but who doesn't love swinging? You started to swing but not even five minutes into it you started to hear a strange alarm sounding noise from behind. You turned around and saw a strange blue police box, which you know wasn't there before. You cautiously hop off the swing and walk up to the box, your curiosity getting the better of you.

You saw what appeared to be a door and just as you reached to open it, the door flung open and a taller man with floppy brown hair, wearing a bow tie and light brown jacket appeared in front of you.

"Oh hello." He spoke in a British accent. "I'm the Doctor. And whom may I ask are you?" He smiled and butterflies filled your stomach.

"I'm Y/N...hello Doctor."

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