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My lungs were pleading for oxygen as the weight of the bookcase crushed me from my chest down. I couldn't move anything other than my head and my arms, which was quite frightening. Tears were slowly escaping my eyes and running down my face as I tried to lift even just a bit to get more air into my lungs. But the case wasn't budging. And that meant neither was I.

Another terrifying thing about my position was that I couldn't see what was happening behind me. All I could do was listen to the voices, unable to clearly make out what they were saying for the most part. I knew it was only a matter of time before I drifted into unconsciousness, and not much later would I become too far gone to be revived.

These thoughts caused my body to panic, which only cause my lungs to strive for more air that I couldn't supply.

"Don't be foolish girl, give me the cup." Valentine hissed.

"No, you can take it. You'll never get it." Clary said back.

"If you don't comply with me, you'll end up like little Penrose over there. Beaten and bloodied on the verge of death." Valentine said and I could feel them staring at me. "Don't be stupid, Clary. Hand over the cup."

"Don't, Clary." I somehow managed to say.

"Shut it!" Valentine screamed before giving me a swift kick to the side of the head as I hissed in pain and held my head feeling blood starting to drip down.

"Don't give it to him, Clary." Jace muttered from somewhere in the room. "He would never kill you."

"You don't think I'd kill her just because she's my daughter?" Valentine sneered.

"No, I don't think you'd kill her because of her talents. Because of what she can do." Jace replied. "You'd never want to pass up having one of your experiments actually be successful. You'd never be able to kill her for the sole reason that you need her. I don't know what your plan is, Valentine, but you need her and wouldn't kill her. Not to mention you'll never get away with it."

"I wouldn't be so sure, boy." Valentine gritted in obvious annoyance. "I've taken down the two best shadowhunters this Institute has to offer."

"But you'll never be able to take down a whole population of shadowhunters." Jace said.

"If you don't believe so, then you have another thing coming." Valentine said ominously. "I have great plans, ones you can't even begin to imagine. You don't know everything."

"Maybe not everything." Jace said. "But I do know that you won't be getting the cup.

I heard more grunts and fists colliding with objects. Then Clary was letting out more screams and there was the splashing sound of the portal. The whole building shook from the impact as I wondered what on earth was happening behind me?

It was quiet for about five seconds before mayhem yet again. More splashing, more grunts, and more screaming. Then it sounded as though ice had been struck and was splitting apart. The sound hurt my ears and I covered them in an attempt to block it out.

Then there was suddenly a loud bang from behind me and white started to fall through the air. I didn't know what was happening, but it didn't matter much to me anyway. Black dots started to fill my vision and I started to drift.

"Ali, open your eyes." Jace's panic stricken voice came from above me.

"Jace..." I trailed off.

"You need to keep your eyes open for me, alright?" Jace was saying. "We're going to get you out of this. Just don't let those eyes close."

My breathing was still rapid as I was still panicked, even with Jace here. He noticed quickly and made me look at him.

"You have to calm down. You're only causing yourself more pain and more of a struggle. Everything's going to be alright. You're going to be fine. Just calm down." His voice was comforting and my breathing slowed, although it wasn't completely at normal speed.

He put his hands under the bookcase and pulled with all the strength left in him, but it wasn't enough. He continued to try, though, not giving up.

"Why did you even do it?" Jace asked through gritted teeth. "Why'd you put yourself in danger for her? I know you don't even like her. I can tell."

I couldn't get any words out at first. It took me a few tries before I was even able to make a sound other than a gasp. But soon I was able to speak with gasps breaking up my words.

"Because..." I gasped, trying to get the words out. "Because... she makes... you happy."

His eyes clouded with disbelief as his face still remained stiff, trying to pry the bookcase off of me. Sudden movement caused him to look away, though, and he called out Izzy's name. I was fading quickly, though. I didn't know how much longer I could last. Black dots started to fill my vision once more, even with the weight slowly being lifted from my body. Hands wrapped around my arms and pulled me out from under the shelves.

"Ali? Ali, look at me! Say something!" Izzy shouted frantically and I could hear the panic in her voice. "Her eyes are still open and she's still breathing, but she's not responding!"

"What do we do?" Jace panicked.

"Maybe Magnus is still here and he can help her." Izzy said.

"Magnus? Why-"

"No times for questions Jace!" Izzy yelled.

My vision completely faded out in me, leaving me sightless. I heard my name being yelled multiple times, but I didn't have the strength to open my eyes open again. I drifted off into unconsciousness not knowing if I'd be waking up.

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