Chapter 6: A Windy Day

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"So take aim and Fire away! I've never been so wide awake! No, nobody but me can keep me safe... and I'm ON MY WAY!" the group singed and ended it with a laugh.

This time, Jeongin's driving cause he wants to know how is it feels like to drive a car and he succeeded in the first try!

"Guys..." Hyunjin suddenly said making the whole car looked to him, "is it just me? Or I didn't get any essence like Jeongin?" As he said that, a spark of blue came out of Chan and spinned around Hyunjin creating his own essence, "you should've been created since I saved Seungmin and get the next Riddle," Hyunjin huffed as the essence tried cheer him up by snuggling to his cheek, "okay... okay... I forgive you..." Hyunjin giggled as the essence played around him, "what if I gave you a name?" Hyunjin suggested making the little essence fleeing happily, "I'll name you... hmm... Rain? Yes RAIN!" Hyunjin shouted.

Jeongin's essence also came out of his magic ring as it motioned Jeongin to name it too, "alright... I'm gonna name you Lava," Jeongin said as the essence went back into his ring, "hmph! Moody..." Jeongin said judging his moddy essence.

"Jeongin's essence is so moody while mine is so calm..." Hyunjin said making his two hands as a platform for his essence to fly on, "yeah UNLIKE YOU HAHA!" Minho shouted making Hyunjin frowned like a llama.

"Guys! What's the answer to the next Riddle?" Jeongin asked. Hyunjin opened the riddle and read it again.

Secrets are not meant to be told
Promises are not meant to be broken
Secrets and promises flew away
As the wind whispers all of it

"I think this time is Minho hyung's turn to shine!" Hyunjin said after reading the next riddle, "maybe..." Minho said and that makes the whole group worried, "what's wrong Minho, hyung? Aren't you excited that it's your turn to save the world?" Jisung asked, "No... it's not that Jisungie... but, I just don't know how to use my powers! I even couldn't create a spark of it!" Minho said while trying to activate his powers, but not even a blow of wind are created, "I think I had to practice more..." Mimho sighed.

Seungmin then motioned Jeongin to sing something cheerful to make Minho smiled. At the beginning, he didn't want to do it, but at the end he do it, "fine... only for Minho hyung..." he groaned as he turned up a song, making the whole car looked at him, "CHEER UP BABY! CHEER UP BABY! *Korean lyrics*," Jeongin sang while Seungmin danced and that really makes not only Minho laughed, but also the whole car.

"Where's the next destination!" Jeongin exclaimed, "secrets and promises flew away, as the wind whispers all of it... hmmm..." Hyunjin read the riddle again while the others tried to think of the place, "let's take a look at the map!" Chan suggested as Minho took out the map.

"We had went to the volcano and the beach... but where's the place that whispers secrets and promises to other people?" Woojin said while the others think about it. Then, Jeongin speak up, "this place seems familiar... because the riddle is the same to the lullaby my mother used to sang when I was little," he said as he started singing.

Wherever you'll go
The wind will always find you
Wether you are at the mountain top
Or at the low beach
The wind will always find you

Secrets and promises aren't meant to be spoiled
But if the wind knows it
It will spread your darkness

To know where they are from
Dance with them
So you will know
Where they go

Jeongin ended singing after the last verse. The members are trying to figure out the meaning of the song, "dance with them? Dance with the WIND!" Minho exclaimed, "Jeongin! Stop the car!" He said and as the car stops, he instantly went out of the car and checked the wind, "Minho! What are you doing?!" Jisung exclaimed and he jumped out of the car following Minho.

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