Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt2)

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AN: We are still in this video, it should take up about a quarter or half of the chapter, this chapter will also feature some fluff. Enjoy!

(Chester - Bold, Isla - Italics, Parker - Normal)
Chester POV

Ugh, why didn't Parker listen to me! How didn't he hear those weird noises from Gale's room, they were so loud! Hopefully we survive tonight. Currently we're going to sleep, I'm on the right side of the bed, Parker's on the left, and Isla sleeps in between us so that the security camera doesn't see her, and because Parker won't let her sleep anywhere else. Parker's top priority is her being safe, so she also has her room adjoined to Parker's in our house (there's a door in between them inside the room).

I still feel like there's something up, and that something's going to happen any minute now. I'm trying to sleep, but I can still hear Gale.

What's that noise? Is Gale having a seizure or something? *Yawn* I'm going to sleep, the other two are already asleep, and Isla's perfume is making me sleepy...

What was that! Leah's screaming! We run to Leah's room, Parker questions Leah while I film, and Isla's looking around the room to see if there's anything there. It seems that Gale was in there. I knew it! I knew she was up to something. Isla comes to me, and whispers almost silently

"Gale's behind the door!" What? Isla tries to get Parker's attention, and tells him too, but he brushes it off as a hallucination. Ugh, he's being stupid now, if something happens to Leah...

She starts screaming again, but then she stops screaming. I think something's happened, but Parker just thinks she's hurt herself a little. Yawn, I'm really tired, and I don't want to argue, so I sleep.

When we wake up, it's 6am, and we go to Leah's room. When we get there, her door's open, and, she's nowhere to be seen. I go to check downstairs while Parker checks upstairs.

"Dude, come down here!"

"The back door's wide open!"

We check the footage, and we see Leah and Gale going into the woods. Leah looks possessed!

"Dude I told you, Gale did something to her! Gale did something to Leah!"

We go home, but during the car ride, I unleash my full fury on Parker.

"You never listen to me! I told you something was weird about that girl, and look what happened, both of them are now gone!"

"Look, I'm sorry for not listening to you dude, but what can we do? I thought they would probably feel sad and alone, not evil!"

We arrive at home and I go straight upstairs, up to my room. Isla knocks at my door. "Can I come in?"


Isla sits next to me on my bed, "Look, I know you're upset, but we are a team. Teams do have their ups and downs, but we solve our problems, right?"


"And I'm pretty sure Parker's sorry too, I can tell when he's sincere. And you and I both know well that he looks too much on the optimistic side and doesn't realise easily when someone's a bad person."

She's not lying, Parker is way too trusting.

"So why don't you try to forgive him and let it go, besides, we need to start editing the video tomorrow, and we need to eat. You know that Parker won't eat without us."

"Yeah, sorry for getting angry, I'll come down in a few minutes. Thanks"

"For what?"

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