The Dance

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This is going to be a very long chapter so be prepared and hopefully you like it anyways. (:


I spent the next day in the city with Kai. We had arranged to eat ice cream and were now sitting in the pleasant light of the warm summer sun on the terrace of an ice cream shop and enjoying our free time.

EXO was not particularly active this weekend, as everyone just wanted to enjoy the wonderful weather and do nothing. Otherwise, EXO were on the go all the time, but I was mostly only on weekends free because the school simply took too much time away from me.

On Sunday, I helped my aunt clean the apartment and dispose of all the junk that had come recently in the apartment. It was sometimes crazy how messy Aunty could be, especially when she was busy.

Monday came too fast, and the normal school day began. The only encouragement was the bright weather and the prospects for the next weekend. The week went by in a hurry against my expectations and the next Saturday was just around the corner.

When I put on my makeup in front of the mirror at around 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening, Aunty came into my room.

"You look wonderful, sweety. The boys won't be able to take their eyes off you!"

Aunty likes to overreact. I had only tied a light red ribbon in my hair, which fell openly over my back and put on a white summer dress. The skirt fell loosely to just above my knees and was frilled on my waist. Around my neck I wore the silver purple chain, which had been a birthday present from my aunt.

"I look like always," I said with a smile. I wasn't particularly pretty. My forehead was too big, my nose was not the cute snub nose that I would have liked. I also didn't like my hip shape at all. I was somehow misshapen, and my thighs were too thick anyway. I would like to have a curvy or slim figure like other girls. Fortunately, I was wearing the dress, which at least hid the hips and thighs well. With the dress I wore light brown heeled sandals which had a small heels.

"As you want, sweety. You are not going to change your mind anyway. I hope you have a lot of fun and that Sehun take good care of you, Okay? Oh, those were the days when we were still dancing at street parties and having fun... " Aunty left the room happily reminding and I just grinned. How I love my aunt.

 At nine o'clock I was picked up by the others and shortly after stepping onto the street, about ten motorcycles were turning around the corner. The boys spent a lot of time prettying up their beloved machines and making them faster with the simple tools they had. The gang was not rich, but over the years they had bought and inherited a lot, as well as the gang cars, which, to be honest, were also pretty junk carts that could only drive so fast because the boys had tampered with them.

"Let's go, Y/N! It's party time!" Kai called cheerfully and started dancing around in the seat of the motorcycle.

"Hey, Kai, pull yourself together. We have enough time to celebrate afterwards!" Chanyeol exclaimed angrily from his motorcycle. "Always these crazy kids ..."

I sat on the machine behind Sehun, because doesn't want me to sit behind the others. Overprotective brother be like.

"Stop whining," I said, gently tapping him on the head. Chanyeol then growled angrily but said nothing.

"So, guys, we are completed! Let's go celebrate!"

The loud roar of the engines was enough for Sehun to answer. Motorcycling was something I loved. When the gang appeared in the group, the boys and girls usually sat on the back, as they do now. Didn't mean that the girls couldn't ride motorcycles. Jennie and Rose, for example, were just as good at it as the boys. Me on the other hand also wanted to learn it but Sehun doesn't allowed it because I could fall off the motorcycle and break me something. But the back wasn't bad either. You could let your mind wander a little.

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