First Conversation

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"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention," said Min Yoongi apologetically and together we gathered up our purchases and put them in our pockets. "Actually, I just wanted to find out how you were doing. I saw you through the window and thought I was waiting for you."

I didn't understand. "You ... questioning how I am?" I asked confused. He looked a little ashamed to the floor. "Well, you know, because of Monday. The Blood Zone ... I wanted to apologize ... for the bruises and stuff."

I shook my head in disbelief. So, he had been waiting for me?

"You apologize for not killing me?"

"Something like that."

I had to smile. "And I wanted to thank you. You let me live."

"Oh, no problem."

A moment of silence, then we both laughed. This topic was really weird! Any listener would think we were crazy.

When we recovered, no one knew what to say at first. Yoongi then broke the silence. "May I take your bag to the subway as compensation for the collision?" He asked and my heart started pounding loudly. The BTS leader's brother like friend asked if he could carry my bags around?

Quite a struggle was taking place in me at that moment. Under no circumstances should I deal with BTS members. They were dangerous and unpredictable, especially when they knew who they were dealing with. But on the other hand, I didn't feel threatened by this young man at all, he looked genuinely sincere, if a little difficult to grasp. But he was anxious to make up for the little misfortune. And then there was that pounding heart that made itself felt when he grinned or looked at me with his dark eyes.

He even looked pretty nondescript right now with his black hoodie and tattered jeans. He looked exactly like many handsome boys in Seoul, but when you looked into his eyes, something made him different. His eyes said they had seen a lot. More than I could ever imagine.

Oh dear, how did I come up with that? He was just a BTS member ... wasn't he?

"Oh, that's not necessary. I can do it alone." "Are you scared?" He asked, considering me right awaywith a penetrating but somehow cold look and I thought that I saw a hint of disappointment in it.

But if I thought it over, I wasn't afraid of him. I just knew that it wasn't okay to let the enemy carry my bags. And the voice that reminded me of the basic suspicion I had towards BTS didn't want to fall silent.

"No ... it's just ... you know, because of the gangs ..." I stammered. God, I had to sound like the biggest idiot.

He shook his head. "I don't care what the gangs do. I don't know what's wrong with making up for a little mishap."

He looked annoyed somehow. Less because of me, more because of these difficult circumstances and I realized that he was right. What was wrong with that? Wasn't it possible that two people who came from different gangs could talk to each other?

I nodded. "You're right. So if you want you can carry my bag." A gummy smile appeared on his face and he took the bag from my hand. "Well then. By the way, you're getting wet."

Only now I did notice that I was really slowly but surely drenched and shivered. Sure, it was summer, but the rain had cooled everything down quite a bit.

"Oh, that's fine, it's my own fault," I waved hastily. This boy made me nervous ...The embarrassment made me also flush. Before I knew it, he had slipped out of his hooded sweater and pressed it into my hand. "I insist. Even if it's not waterproof, you will stay dry in there for a while."

Gangs // Yoongi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now