Night shift

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"Sweety, get up! Y/N! Wake up!"

With a jerk I startled and looked confused into the angry face of my aunt.

"Good heavens, luckily I went home earlier, otherwise you would be late for school now!"
"What time is it?", I asked sleepily. Of course, I hadn't set the alarm clock!

"Half past eight! School starts at eight!"
I nodded and jumped up. "I know. Luckily, I have a nice aunt who drives me to school."

In the bathroom I ran the brush through my hair, brushed my teeth and dressed at the same time. A little hairspray, a little kohl under the eyes and I was ready.

"Well, if it weren't for the aunts ...", Aunty sighed flippantly, grabbed the car keys and left the apartment with me.

Once again it was Auntys breakneck driving style that got me to my school on time. Usually I cursed those borderline fast-paced rides with my aunt, but today it was more convenient than ever.

At the moment I was too busy warning Aunty when there was a red light or pedestrians were trying to cross a zebra crossing to think about last night.
I decided to save it all for the boring Latin lesson.

Unfortunately, I had no other choice and so I sat down willy-nilly in the universally hated Latin lesson.

I allowed myself to finally roll over last night's thoughts. Yes, the thoughts of HIM triggered these long known, but always intoxicating and warm feelings in me.
But I also remembered how strange he had acted when I asked him about Kai and how funny the mood had been shortly afterwards.

It was probably the rift that separated us. That gap between gangs that we couldn't bridge without losing something. Sooner or later the day would come when we had to choose and what then?

I loved that damn BTS member. But I also loved my gang.

And then there was the matter of women. I knew I wasn't his first, but I was still scared of how dismissive he'd been on the subject. I knew there was more. It was his unusually aggressive reaction that scared me. He could see from my face that I had asked myself exactly the question about women.

But that didn't seem to be all. Yesterday he had changed from one moment to the next and in his eyes, I could see that something was going on. Only what?

And why couldn't I get rid of the strange feeling that he wasn't going to tell me that easily?

"Miss Oh! I asked you something!"
The voice of my language teacher, Miss Yang, rudely tore me out of my daydreams.
"Um, pardon?"

Miss Yang sighed. "Ladies and gentlemen, I know that the Latin language is also referred to as an extinct language, but, God, that doesn't mean that everyone can do and space out whenever he or she want! Miss Oh, that doesn't apply just you, but please read the text on page 45 aloud anyway! And this time we will listen carefully, because afterwards I will do a short comprehension test on what have been read!"

Well, that's how schools have been lately: even more unbearable than usual.

After that bad day at school, it was a wonderful fact that it was finally the weekend. I got picked up by Baekhyun and Jennie, who were driving one of the gang cars. This was of course the only one that was not decorated with motifs of foxes and the like, like all the others, otherwise they would not come through the city unnoticed.

Baekhyun skilfully steered the car through the streets, which were once again overcrowded.
"Tell me, what were you doing in town?" I asked curiously.
"We went to Oro because we wanted to add something to our arsenal," Jennie replied with a big smile. "And we struck gold! That's why the good Baekhyun drives so carefully, not that we get caught in a control."

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