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The winner of the battle was in the end no one. It was great losses on both sides that marked this first battle.

The inner circle of EXO was still complete, but there were many dead and seriously injured in the outer.

Yuna did her best to help the people, but she couldn't save everyone. That was how the gang life was.

If you had gone to the hospital, you would go straight to the so-called hell block after your recovery. Or be shipped to a prison hospital beforehand. Simply put, the Seoul State Correctional Facility.

The depressed mood was omnipresent. For his part, Sehun was quickly on his feet again, as he had been spared the worst injuries. Many others also came back to the meeting room the next day to learn about Shuns's and Suho's further strategy.
"Offensive." With his well-known X-ray vision, Suho looked into the round of expectant faces. "Of course, BTS made full use of their first move to position their shooters in the buildings around the square. We can no longer give them any advantage in this regard. Either we determine the venue, or the further course of the battle finds out happened by chance."

"That means we shouldn't let them come up with a new strategy, let alone gain such advantages. We have to wake up and fight," added Sehun. "After all, we are EXO. And whoever wants to beat us has to be born first!"

The gang leader and his deputy got shouts of approval from the people. My brother in particular knew how to motivate his people in difficult situations and to give them a new fighting spirit. And Suho was in charge of the facts.

"It was the first battle and like every first battle, it will become a legend. But nobody says that not every next battle can become a legend! Because EXO is making history in Seoul here and now!"

The cheering was deafening, and I fled the room. I also felt encouraged and hopeful by my brothers rousing fighting spirit, but this noise level was simply too high for me.

I quietly opened the door of the hospital, where Yuna was sitting behind her desk, taking notes. The pale moonlight fell through the old, faded skylights. These windows looked out onto one of the abandoned courtyards of the halls, so they went unnoticed. Without darkening the windows.

Yuna was so absorbed in her files that she didn't even notice me. As with any other patient, she had made detailed notes of their condition. Aunty helped her wherever she could, and some other old gang members had also joined them from further away. They always came when there was something in the gang, because some more of them were nurses and some were paramedics. There was even another doctor who had come from far away.

Those were the ones who, when they were thirty or even before, made the leap into life without a walk, and unfortunately not all of them succeeded.

A clenched cough and a painful moan penetrated me, and I searched for the owner of the noise. Aunty was in the process of dressing the wound on poor D.O., who had been stabbed in the back with a knife and many other minor injuries.

I crept to Kai, who was at the very edge of the hospital. He was not sleeping; his eyes were open, and he had fixed his gaze on the ceiling while his constant companion.
"How are you?"
"Great." He grinned, but I didn't buy it from him.
"That's a lie."
"Nah. Others here got a lot more. D.O., for example." With a nod of his head, he pointed in the direction of Aunty, which was supplying D.O. with an old lamp in dim light.

I sighed. "And still: Your arm was pierced. I'll bet 20000 won that it hurts like hell."
"I shouldn't bet on that. But even if it hurts, I can still fight!"
"Now you listen to me, Kai. If you go back into battle now, you will be pretty much done for. But if you wait until you are back on track, then you will be able to fight at full strength again. And this war is not over tomorrow, it will last, I don't know how long. But long enough for sure."

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