Is this the right choice?

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Yoongis POV

I let go of Sehun immediately. The rough asphalt had left some bruises and light cuts on my arms and I cursed once more for walking around with such sleeveless shirts.

My eyes were still on the corner behind which Y/N had disappeared and from one moment to the next I didn't know what to do. I was usually a master at doing cool shows and not caring in the least about other people's feelings, but now, with the best will in the world, I couldn't.

I couldn't forget Y/N's sad face, but on the other hand, I knew what would happen if I ran after her. Running after the girl - the stupidest thing you could do when you were in a gang with a bunch of Playboys.

Without further thinking, I decided that what the others thought didn't matter now. Without thinking I turned and actually ran after a girl. Something I'd never done in my life. But as we all know, for everything there's a first time.

I could no longer see the stunned faces of my members and the angry looks of EXO lying on me, as I made my way through the crowd that Y/N had already cleared.

Holly mother, was that a good idea now?


I ran as fast as my legs could carry me through the streets, where it was quite not noisy as usual, since it was Sunday today.

I wasn't sure why I sprinted through the streets like a tarantula, maybe I just needed it now. The confusing feelings, the loneliness, my gang, Yoongi, BTS... it was all a little too much at the moment.

I realized that there would always be a conflict between the two gangs. The idea that we could keep our gangs and still be friends with Yoongi was truly unrealistic.

And that hurt in the heart.

At some point I noticed the fancy houses and the expensive fashion shops that lined the street, which meant that I was now in the sunside.

The sunside, or the "sunny side" was a district that was at the top of the North and belonged to the rich and beautiful. It was almost clichéd how much this area stood out visually from the rest of the city. As was suspected, this area was not particularly large compared to other parts of the city and only made up a relatively small part of the North Quarter.

Seoul was a city in which poverty and the average predominated. Only lawyers, company heads, doctors and all the other business people in the higher professional classes could afford to live here.

I actually liked the pretty area with the beautiful well-kept parks and the beautiful houses, but sometimes I wondered why they could do it so well while others struggled to survive in the tough everyday life on the street. A lot of justice was missing, but what was fair today?

A guy with bright white teeth and shiny hair grinned down from a billboard, holding a bottle of shampoo in his hand. Next to it was in a striking lettering: "Get Jason's strength of youth!"

I had to grin involuntarily because I knew this guy very well. He was originally a member of EXO, but like everyone else he was thirty and now had a career as a hairdresser in Seoul.

Jason was full of ideas and had now launched his new skin care line 'The Power of Youth'. Apparently this business wasn't working badly.

And I was mentally back at the gangs.


The large brass gate in front of the Namsan Park, the most beautiful park in Seoul, radiated a wonderful purity and calm, which I was more than attracted to at the moment. (I was never in Seoul so I just googled 'pretty Parks in Seoul' and well one of them was this one)

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