Chapter Thirteen

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Craigs POV

He looks so peaceful.
Like calm but beginning with a 'P'.
Awwwww he looks so soft and cuteee.

Oh I'm sleepy.
Ima go sleep

Michaels POV

There's really no need for me to check on them right?


They're grown ass men........
Well Tweeks still basically a teen but still grown and capable of handling himself.

I should go back to the couch, maybe give Kevin a nocturnal surprise.....
If you don't get what I mean then what are you even doing with your life.

The more that I tell myself I don't have to the more that I want tooooo.
It's not my fault I'm a curious hoe.

'But Michael curiosity killed the cat'

What if I want to die~

Nah that emo phase is something I want to forget, seriously.
Suicide is for pussys, I'd never leave my family behind.
All the people I care about....
I'd never think about trying that again.

I remember when everything became too much for me, the world was too heavy, what a fatty.
Seriously she been growing some fine ass cake the world today.
What am I even going on about?

Anyway the point is.........
What was the point again?

Oh yeah I'm a nosey cow.

I twist the door knob and push Tweeks door open, everything's In place.
The only thing missing is, yep you guessed it, Tweek.
See a parent would be worried but a brother such as I would be proud.
Maybe he sneaked out to go tap some ass.
Just like his dear old brother.
Only difference is I don't need to go out to get some it comes to me.

I'd make a terrible father wouldn't I.
Yep this is probably one of the reasons my subconscious mind uncontrolled by me prefers boys.
Ain't no way of making babies that way.
Plus who would pick a rack over a nice package I really don't get it.

Meh different minds.

I'm about to go back downstairs when I remember that Craig exists.
I'm sure he doesn't need me checking up on him.....
See when I think that everything's fine another part of my mind thinks that if I don't check something will happen.

Yeah paranoia runs in the family as you can see.

I somehow feel that it's my duty to see what's in that room.
Gang bang?
Someone could even be tied up......
Who knows what kinky shit Craig gets up to?!
Well probably not nearly as out there as me but I'd say he seems like he'd be a real freak.

No I do not imagine how people are in bed it's just an observation.
The doors already open a little so I just push it lightly.



Never did I think I'd see the day!

My little brother!
Tweek Tweak.

Tweek Tweak sharing a bed with none other than
Craig Tucker!
Fucking snuggling under the duvet!
Hm should I be concerned?


I can't help the smile from spreading across my face.
You know how certain things just fill you with an abnormally large amount of happiness.
This is the thing that does it for me.
Well this and sex but ya get it.

I wonder what the story is behind this.
I always wonder, do other people just look into a scene as a random outsider and attempt to guess the story?
I sure as hell do!
Call me nosey, call it pointless but it's a habit.

By the looks of things they both had a day of binge drinking and watching shitty youtubers.
The only person that's bearable to watch is Shane.
If it ain't Shane it ain't real entertainment.

I decide to be helpful and turn off the tv.
Global warming is real.

I take one more look at the two before closing the door with a sigh.
Wonder which one of them will come out to the other first.
My moneys on Craig.
That is unless Tweek feels the need to be all pridey and giddy.

No idea what that kid calls himself anymore but whatever.
Still love him no matter what.
Always will.

He's my Bro, I couldn't get rid of that bond even if I wanted to.

I wonder if he'll tell me about this tomorrow or not.
Probably the latter but we'll see.

Sooooo tired there's probably mistakes I dunno

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