Chapter Four

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When we got to the garage I seen Aiden and Will standing next to a VEE and I made my way to the other while Myles was behind me.

"You three ride together." I told him once we were close enough.

"What? Why?" Will asked.

"Because I am going to check out what the east of town and I need you three to go to the Hospital and go to the maternity ward, grab all the things in the cabinets. Go to the pharmacy and grab all the medicine. Go to the nursery and grab all the baby stuff there. Take one of the electric carts with you. They should be charged." I told them.

"But wouldn't it make more sense to have one of us go with you in case you run into trouble?" Aiden asked.

"I'm with Aiden on this Lo." Myles said, "let one of us go with you."

"No." I answered. "I will go alone. You three head to the hospital. Put everything you find in an ambulance and head back to the bunker. Will keep Myles with you and all three of you keep in contact with me via the ear piece."

"Alright Laurell." Aiden said and got into the VEE.

I hopped into the second VEE and headed out of the bunker when I heard Ben over my ear piece.

"You're being stupid Lo." Ben said.

"I'm not. I'm not putting anyone else at risk when we don't know what the hell is going on to the east." I told him. "Link their ear pieces to mine now please so we can stay in contact and you stay on as well."

"Will do." He said.

Once we got in to town, the boys and I split off. I headed to the east of town, where there were houses, a couple of small stores and the library; while the boys headed to the south of town, where the hospital is.

"You're getting close now Lo." I heard Ben say over the ear piece, "You should park and continue on foot. Check the library first, then sweep through the stores. Don't spend too long in the stores though Lo, I have a bad feeling about this."

"I will be alright Ben." I told him. "I can take care of myself but I will park here and continue on foot."

After parking and locking the VEE, I headed to the library.

It was weird that there were no Rotters at this part of town. It's almost like someone had already wiped them out. I cautiously made my way to the front door of the library and tried to open it, to no avail. The front doors were locked so I headed around back. I tried the back door and it was unlocked so I unsheathed my katana walked into the library. I stood still for a few seconds, letting my eyes adjust to the dim lighting before I walked in further. I heard some noises coming from above me as I weaved my way in between the bookshelves, once I made my way to the stairs, I quietly ascended the stairs the noises began getting louder. I continued quietly making my way to the source of the noise and seen that there was a light coming from the café area of the library.

"There is a light coming from the café. There might be a survivor or survivors in there. I am going to check it out." I whispered to boys through the ear piece.

"Be careful. Be safe." I heard Aiden say.

"Always am." I replied.

I tried opening the door but it was locked so I knocked three times, waited and knocked three more times. I heard the door unlock and swing open, I came face to face with the librarian.

"Mrs. Underwood?" I said.

"Hello Laurell. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Looking for survivors." I told her. "Are you alone?"

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