Chapter 1

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His position constantly confounded my wrongful mind. One of them could never treat us like more than just animals. That's all we are to them and all well ever be. But, every week that i get to see him, his admirable deep green eyes somehow become more glossy, his lips more perched, smug-like, his near 7ft body was always intimidating but i always felt less intimidated when his dark rugged hair would fall down upon his cheek. But none of that mattered, it couldn't.

Slouching against the cold, hard metal tin that I call home, my arm began to throb. I was unsure why. I didn't know whether it was due to being tossed into this box or if it was from the 3 needles placed in my arm less than twelve hours ago. All i knew was that there was no getting out of whatever they were planning to do to us and it was pointless to even try.

Dried blood made my arm feel tight, I hated that feeling. I actually can't remember never feeling that so i guess it was kinda normal for me now.

Every Tuesday at precisely 7:00am Bunker #14, my 'home', goes to the 'doctors', as they call it, but we all know there's more behind it than just a doctors surgery. However, by 'all' I mean myself and my only friend 76. Yes, 76. For short i call her 'Sev', it's much easier and allows us to feel a tiny bit like an actual human. None of us remember before the age of twelve and there is no one older than eighteen here which is kinda weird to me.

The names go from One to two-hundred. The higher the number means the younger the age. When I arrived, I was given number One-hundred and Three, and at that point, I was the youngest at the age of twelve, nearly thirteen. Number one is now nearly eighteen meaning soon, they will be set free. I, however, still have 1 year.

My bunker is really not much and it's not just mine. Sev and I share and it's just big enough to fit in 2 stretchers for beds. It also has a small white clock and a table and a tiny toilet squeezed into the corner which is not surrounded by any walls, but, other than that it is empty. 

Sev is older than me, she's like my big sister I suppose, but we don't argue like sisters, we never have; maybe that's because it's forbidden to actually socialise with anyone other than doctors, who don't want to talk to you anyway. 

One time number 6 was caught sneaking off into another bunker in the middle of the night and he was taken away but no one knows where he went or what they did to him, but they found him. That very same night they made an announcement over the deafening speakers that stated,

''Anyone caught trying to socialise or leave their bunker will suffer serious consequences!''

It was at that point that Sev and I were actually startled and shocked as we had no idea what to expect. Usually we would stay up late, unless it was a monday night of course. In which we'd try our hardest to get as much sleep as possible for the day ahead, and we'd watch the stars brighten as the night grew darker through the tiny crack in the door of our bunker which was just wide enough to see through. But this night, it was different. 

We rushed straight to bed straight after the announcement but neither of us slept that whole night. Unlucky for us, that night also happened to be a Monday meaning on the Tuesday when we had to go to the doctors we were both extremely sluggish and that was clearly evident which didn't end well, it really didn't. 

The doctors were clearly angered by the both of us and it resulted in us both being starved for 48 hours and only given a tiny bit of water to share. Not once that week were we given fresh clothes to wear. We were sure to never do that again. Ever.

Every day we have daily checks at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. The 6pm check is the time in which the guards will tell people to get into their bunkers. After this time you are not allowed out, i'm not sure what happens if you break that rule but i know it's not anything good. Sev and i would usually just sit and whisper anyway so it didn't bother us too much.

It was getting close to 6am which was when we were meant to be woken up by the guards but Sev and i always woke up before that because of the tiny ray of light getting through the slight crack in the dark blue door and because both of us were extremely light sleepers. However Sev didn't wake up with me today and apparently that was expected from the guards because they showed up seven minutes late which was very strange. 

Even though i had only been awake since 5am, today had already been very strange, i felt different. I knew something was different because Sev was always awake before me even if it was just minutes before, but today she wasn't. 

The sun felt brighter and more blinding, the air felt more dense than usual, my sense of smell had completely gone and so had the throbbing feeling in my arm. I was utterly confused.

At 6:07am the guards arrived and looked as confused as I was when they saw me as awake as ever. But they weren't only confused, they looked concerned almost. That worried me, a lot. 

Why was I awake? Why was no one else awake? 

As soon as they saw my physical and mental state in comparison to everyone else's they immediately rushed in and grabbed my arms, not caring about the pain it caused and the guards basically dragged my body to the main doctors.

The day kept getting more strange, the rain had stopped and started 3 times since leaving the bunker with even a little bit of hailstone and everything was brighter, too bright.

 We eventually reached the main building which was tall, very tall, skyscraper tall, plain grey, next to no windows like most places on this desolate island and looked overall, melancholic. As soon as we scurried through the main doors they put a cover over my eyes and everything was black.

The next thing I can remember was being in a completely empty white room not being able to see anything at all because of the blinding lights surrounding me.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MANY TO COME, I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT, LEAVE A LIKE AND A VOTE AND COMMENT YOUR THOUGHT AND ANYTHING YOU SPECIFICALLY LIKE SO FAR OR ANY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE.



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