Part 3

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Evangeline awoke to the sound of shattering glass.

"Whhaat," Evangeline said groggily, rubbing her eyes and swinging her legs off her bed.

"Ow!" Evangeline and Griffin said at the same time. Evangeline had hit Griffin in the head with her legs while he was picking up clear glass from under Evangeline's bed with his bare hands.

"What happened?" Evangeline asked and realized that the sun was setting out the window.

Griffin had put a plate of food on Evangeline's bed and Evangeline jumped off the bed, almost hitting Griffin again.

"Did I miss dinner! Oh no!" Evangeline said hutting for her shoes but confused because she never remembered taking them off or falling asleep.

"Uh yeah, you did. But It was no big deal, it was only dinner." Giffin says as he scrapes the last bit of glass into his hands and dunes them into a trash can by the door.

"Only dinner! They probably had important announcements to make about tomorrow, aka the first day of class at college, and about clubs or-"

"Yeah right. They didn't say anything." Griffin scoffed, picking a dumbbell out of one of his bags and started lighting it.

"How would you know! Boys probably just tune things like that out! Why didn't you wake me up to go to dinner? It's partly your fault!" Evangeline said, her voice rising no longer sleepy.

"I just didn't-"

"You know what never mind. By tomorrow morning I'll have a girl roommate who I can be friends with and who cares about me. What did you carelessly drop that woke me up?"

"A water glass," Griffin said, still lifting dumbbells to hide that he had just been scolded like a child.

"Why didn't it have water in it?" Evangeline asked, clearly stressed from the day.

"Because Evie, If I would have dropped the glass (Which aka I did) then instead of just having to pick up the glass shards then I would have had to clean up the water too!" Griffin said, mad for a split second but then his face softened.

"I guess we're both stressed for tomorrow. At least eat something," He expressed to Evangeline who looked like she was about to fall asleep again.

"I'm not hungry anymore. I think I'm going to go back to sleep." Evangeline said, closing her eyes. The reason why Evangeline didn't want to eat was not that she wasn't hungry but because she didn't want Griffin to see her eating. She didn't know why she just didn't.

"Okay, goodnight, Evie," Griffin said, putting down his dumbbells and climbing through his mountain of bags and flopped onto his bed. Neither of them had changed out of their clothes from the day or had unpacked.

Both of them knew they would wake up bright and early the next day and Evangeline would switch rooms. 

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