Chapter three

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"Here is your outfits," mom said giving me a small shopping bag. I had finished preparing myself for the hell called school. I have finished taking my breakfast.

"I will drive you," mom said as I walked downstairs from my room.

"No prob," I said.

"You look hot," mom said. She liked teasing me. My cheeks immediately turned red at her compliment.

"I know right! You always make your little princess look hot," I said winking at her. I was wearing grey pants with some black line like in the sides, with it's matching jacket. I really liked the fucking outfits. Everyone will say this fucking hottie is of no messing with. I found so funny but amazing.

I stepped in mom's car as we headed to school

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I stepped in mom's car as we headed to school. It took us few minutes to reach the school.

"Girl here we go!" she said as if excited.

"She's even not the one going to school," I thought. Why would she be excited when she's not the new student in this school that I knew no one, fucking no one.

"Try not to mess up, I know you like causing trouble," she said smiling. I knew at my former school, mom would be called that I got in fights with some stupid hotties that called themselves queens.

"Sure, I'll try my best not to," I smirked and got out of the car.

"Nice day," mom said as I also shot her a wave.

I took some air in and out. I hate school, I just like it's adventurous side. I like the way I feel around my friends but it's hurts that I never spend more time with them because my mom has to make us move to a new place.

I walked inside through the gates. I could see the tall buildings that I assumed they were classes. So I had to firstly get my schedule so I walked to the administration block. Here it was easy to identify blocks. There was posters that showed you the direction and blocks. I entered in the tall building and saw an old woman who sat behind a neat table with a pencil in her hands her eyes focused on the computer in front of her.

"Good morning," I said trying to sound normal.

"Good morning little girl, what can I help you?" she asked with her eyes still focused on the computer.

"Ah! I need a the new student," I said.

"Names?" she asked.

"Addy Williams Bright," I said as she typed something on her keyboard.

"Hm!" she said with a nod, "wait a bit," she stood up and opened another door behind her office. She came out with a small paper with my names on it. It was my schedule.

"Have a nice day ma'am," I said and stood up.

"Thanks, see you around," the woman said as I walked out of the building. I headed to a big corridor that had a post "Locker room" beside it. I then checked on the paper I had locker 57. The room was crowded by students who made small groups. I thought they were talking about their summer vacation.

Checking for locker 57 I went to it and opened it. I placed in my books checked on my schedule and took the necessary books. My first class was Math. I liked math it was my best lesson but I sometimes hated it because of the teachers. Mostly it was taught by old teachers who would sometimes bore you.

I closed my locker and decided the best pattern.

"Hey," a girl smiled at me coming to her locker.

"Hi," I said turning to look at her.

"You look hot," she said smiling.

"Thanks, and you don't look bad yourself," I said laughing.

"Nice teeth," she complimented.

"Thanks, anyway am Addy," I said trying to be polite.

"Christella, but my friends call me Christa," she said taking some books from her locker. She had locker 60. It was the third from mine on the right.

"You new, right?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Do you know anyone here?" She asked.

"No, I know me, maybe even you," I smiled at her.

"Oh! We can be friends then," she said smiling giving me her hand for a handshake I took it and smiled back.

"Anyway let me see your schedule," she requested as I handed her my schedule, "we have some classes together," she smiled.
After these few minutes we spent together, I had realized that she liked smiling.

"So where do we go?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Math class," she said as I heard a bell, "let's be quick our maths teacher like it when we're not late," she said pulling me towards the stairs that led out of the locker room.

"Ah!" I said but followed her. When we got to the class we found the teacher already in.

"Wtf," I cursed under my breath realising that we had been running but this stupid teacher got in the class not even after 5 minutes.

"Enter," the teacher said without looking at the door.

"Christella! You're late on the first day," he said smiling.

"Am sorry sir," she said.

"We're sorry sir, she's late because she was trying to get me here," I said not looking at him. I felt all eyes on me.

"Oh! New student?" the teacher said but it sounded as a question.

"Yeah," I said not looking at him.

"Your names?" he asked, I saw Christa matching to her seat.

"Addy Williams," I said.

"Okay, get a seat," he said. I scanned the whole class. There was only one seat  on the back.

"Hi," I said to a guy sitting beside me but he didn't answer. He was wearing headphones, I wondered why the teacher didn't tell him to remove them.

The boy was quite the whole lesson that he didn't even look on his side. His eyes seemed to be on the board but he wasn't really in class. I felt curious to know about him. So I decided I'll ask Christa.

"Guys today we're not studying a lot since it's our first day from vac," the teacher said. I like these kind of teachers. No stress.

After which seemed like forever the bell rang as the students started to walk out.

"Addy let's go," Christa called from the door. I then stood up and found her as we walked out.

"What's your next class?" I asked.

"I have history," she said.

"Oh! I have English. Would you mind to show me where the English class is?" I asked looking around us all students were trying to get to there second classes.

"Continue this corridor then turn to your left the third door is the English class," she said.

"Ok! Let's meet in break," I said giving her a warm smile before leaving.

The girl was friendly.

My day was boring. I hate being a new student but I always be. Now this was my last year in highschool the senior year. I was happy that I was about to finish these games.

Hi guys,

I think this chapter is alittle bit boring 😂but don't worry...let me think u keep on enjoying.

Plz don't be silent and comment🙏


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