Chapter nineteen

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We were sitting in the dinning room. We were eating dinner. The elders were deep in their conversation. I was seated besides Liam.

"Liam?" I called in a whisper.

"Yes?" he raised one eyebrow. How cute.

"Why did you let those badboys at school beat you? Last time I checked you're more powerful! I mean you're a....."

"Shh," he said putting a finger on my mouth, "I just thought that if I fight back I can kill them, and I let them beat me because I can heal faster than they can," he whispered with a shrug.

"You're weird," I murmured to myself.

"I know that's what you and your friends call me," he chuckled.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"It's not your first time calling me weird," he shrugged.

"But not my friends," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, whatever," he said raising the napkin in his hands and rising them in surrender.

"Are you going at school tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I will attend the evening classes only. I will dodge morning ones," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I have things to do," he said.

It was in the morning I had my breakfast and was ready for school.

"They haven't brought your car yet!" mom said.

"And why?" I asked.

"I can give you a ride to school," Liam said holding a glass with red liquid in it.

"But you said you're not going to school today?" I said.

"If you don't want it then leave it," he shrugged putting the glass in the sink.

"Wait, am going with you," I said reaching for his arm.

"Don't touch me," he exclaimed letting my hand go.

We went in silence as he packed in front of the school gates.

"Aren't you driving inside?" I asked.

"No, am not studying this morning, and I can't go in with you in my car! Don't tell anyone about this weekend nor tell them that we live together," he said dangerously.

"Yes," I said opening his car and got out.

"Hi Ketty," I greeted her before walking to my locker.

"Hi, how was your weekend?" she asked.

"Cool, how about you?" I asked opening my locker.

"Was good but Christa isn't doing well," she said.

"Really? What happened to her?" I asked.

"It's just....." the bell rang for classes to start, "I'll tell you maybe at lunch," she said.

"I will be at the library," I told her.

"Then tomorrow," she said.

"How about after classes before we go home?" I asked.

"Will see," she waved and walked to class.

The day went off quickly, I hadn't met Ketty during lunch so I was waiting for her in the parking. Liam didn't come the whole day. Because our last class was English and he wasn't there. We share English class!

"Hi," someone said. I was waiting for Ketty but I was sure it wasn't her.

"Oh! Hi," I said back.

"I saw you came with the boy!"

"Who?" I asked.

"Jessica? What are you doing talking about?" Ketty asked pointing between me and Jessy the school bitch with her slave slays behind her.

"Do you even know that this new bitch came with Liam?" Jessy asked Ketty.

"Which Liam? She doesn't know him nor does he know her! How comes you think like that?" Ketty asked.

"You don't know! They came together. I saw Liam's car," Jessy said.

"Okay! I don't even know who the Liam you're talking about! Do you mean the weird kid?" I stupidly asked.

"Yes," Ketty said tired of the argument.

"I am here to tell you this; please go far from him, next time I see you together...."

"Jeez, do you love him? Last time I checked he never talks," I said crossing my arms on my chest.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "just don't go near him, you saved him once it never means that...."

"Stop I had you. Are we really going to fight over a boy who never talks? And cars resemble my dear, I didn't come in his car," I said and opened Ketty's door.

"Wait," Jessy said pulling on my hair and slaps me on the cheek.

"Jeez, this bitch is mad!" I thought.

"Do you want to fight me over things I didn't do?" I asked calmly.

"Haha, you're also weird! Is that your reaction when you're beaten?" Jessy laughed.

"Jessy, can you please stop this, we're still in school, she is new, take your Liam cases from here," Ketty said annoyed.

"You guys are amazing! Christa took Jason, and you also want to take Liam? I think no one among you is more beautiful than I am," Jessy spitted.

"Says the girl who fight innocent ugly ones!" I smiled, "hi, let's go, and I don't want more dramas," I said pulling Ketty in her car.

"I just informed you," she said and went away.

"Did you really come with him? I mean Liam?" Ketty asked.

"Of course no," I said. I knew I was lying.

"But she saw you," Ketty said pointing in the direction that Jessy the bitch and her companions went in, "and I didn't see your car?"

""Yes, I did come ....."

"With him?!!"

"No! Gosh, I was going to say I came in someone's car! You see mine is in the garage," I told her.

She got out of the car as I did the same.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Isn't that Liam's car coming! He wasn't at school. Whom is he coming to pick up?" she asked more to herself.

"Addy," someone called from the car, it was mom.

"Did she come in Liam's car?" I asked myself but let it go.

"Mom is here, and I came in that car. Do you see Liam in?" I asked with a smirk but mom wasn't the one driving.

"Bye," she said.

I went to the car and I did see mom with Liam, they came at school for me.

I got in the car and Liam started driving. I was thinking about what just happened. Jessy saw us, Liam told me to never tell anyone that we know each other.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked.

"How did you know am thinking?" I asked.

"Through my mirror, I can tell you're not here by that face," he chuckled.

"I'll tell you when we get home," I smiled.

"No need, keep on thinking I'll know it before you tell me," he smiled and mom chuckled.

"What?" I asked Mom.

"Nothing, but he's lying you. Don't think about what happened, he'll be curious if you stop thinking," mom said.

"What does that mean? He reads mind?" I asked.

"Things like....," Liam said laughing, "we're here ma'am," he said slowing down.

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