Chapter six

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It had been a week since we moved here in London. Life seemed to be easier than expected because I got Christella and Ketty. They would make me feel home and they would visit me as I tried to cop up with the area. Mom also seemed to be treated well by whatever her bosses were. I talked to Grace almost everyday because she won't stop questioning how I feel without her, as if she was a goddess.

"Addy, come on let's get you to school," mom called as I put on my Converses and straighten my blue t-shirt.

"Oh mom, just be patient am putting on my shoes," I called to her.

"Find me in the car," she said as I heard the front door close. I then went out to her car and we drove to school before she went off to her work.

"Addy," Ketty called behind me as I turned to look at her.

"Am sorry I didn't come over the previous night," she said playing with her hair.

"No prob, you just had me worried because you couldn't pick up your phone," I said slapping her arm.

"Am sorry, my cousin was the one with it," Ketty said, "oh! Wait, see over there," she said pointing at something as I followed her fingers.

"What?" I asked, I saw the mysterious boy but didn't know why she was showing me the boy.

"The mysterious boy is talking to a girl, she never talks to anyone especially a girl! He use to talk to Zane only and not much though!" she said surprised.

"Get over that, he's weird so what?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you find it surprising?" She asked stupidly.

"My God Ketty! Stop being too dramatic, I don't know the boy," I said shrugging as I pulled her in the corridor that led to the lockers.

We got to our first class we had math.
Jeez, I had to sit with the mysterious boy.

"Morning," I said as I sat and he didn't answer, "don't answer, you never talk," I said playfully and took a seat beside him he looked up at me sighed.

"Am I bothering you? You're sighing while am taking my seat," I said but of course he didn't hear me if his head phones really had music in. I saw him taking a paper and a pen and wrote something on a paper then handed it to me.

I took the paper and smiled at the thought of him at least writing to me but I frowned when I read the paper ,

Please try to shut the fuck up, the paper stated. I gave him a questioning look but he wasn't looking at me anyway.

When I was moving down the hallway I bumped into someone.

"Am sorry," I said quickly picking up some books and giving them the girl.

"Thanks," the girl said and smiled.

"Anyway am Addy, senior year and new here," I said.

"Ashley, senior year," she said and walked passed me.

"Rude, they can't see people are trying to be friendly," I mumbled loudly for the girl to hear.

"Addy," Ketty came calling.

"Yes," I said as I joined her to the locker room.

"I see you were talking to the mysterious boy's girl," Ketty chuckled.

"Guys what are you laughing at, I want to laugh too," Christa came begging.

"I found Addy talking to the girl we told you about," Ketty said smiling.

"I just bumped into her, and she isn't friendly at all," I said.

"Have you given Liam his hankie?" Christa said smiling at me.

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