Sudden Loss// Johnny Cade

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A/n: Heads up my people! This one might involve the need for tissues🤧

Your pov

Walking into the Curtis house was all too different this time. Everyone was dressed in black which only set the mood in the room as depressed. No one bothered to speak or turn on the television. Steve didn't even reach for the fridge for cake and Two-bit didn't bother for a beer. Everyone was stiffened, not wanting to really move or do much. We were all in shock. Everyone either sat down on the sofa or floor. I however couldn't bear another moment downstairs so I quietly walked up to my room while hearing faint footsteps behind me.

I hesitated before stepping foot into my bedroom. I slowly walked around it like a tourist, Examining the little things like the little cup of pencils on my desk and the paint chip on my closet door. No matter what I paid my attention to, my mind only went to one thing. From that one thing, I also remembered a box. I dug it out from my closet and carefully placed it on my bed. Opening it reveals keepsakes and memories in photographs of us. There were goofy photos from our first date to our last. There were photos I took of him and some he took of me. We kept the box at my house because we were afraid his parents might get ahold of it. The keepsakes were things from rocks to little stuffed bears I was given for Valentine's day.

Shuffling through the box I came across a few envelopes. One addressed to Dallas, one to Ponyboy, and one to me. I grabbed my envelope and opened it with a shaky hand. I took it out of the envelope and unfolded it revealing a full page of writing. But it was just any writing. It was his writing.

Dear Y/n,

If you find this note then that means that I did in fact do it. I have no words really. I'm beyond sorry baby. I couldn't take it anymore. Out of everyone though, you were the person to pull me away from reality. You reminded me what it was like to love someone and for someone to care about me. You showed me what it was like to live and I'll never forget that. You helped me escape my home life, you let me stay with you, even though Darry was strict on the 'no boys in your room' policy. Unfortunately, I've let my troubles get the best of me. On my last walk home all I could think about was you and how this could affect you. I know it's selfish of me to leave you like this. I can understand if you're mad at me. I'd be mad at me too. My old man just took a pretty hard swing at me not too long ago but a more recent incident with a Soc has pushed me to the edge and I just can't live like this anymore.

I want you to know that I love you with every damn thing I have! You were so good to me Y/n and you're so good with the other guys. I want you to take care of Dally and Ponyboy for me. Make sure that Dal stays out of the cooler and remind Pony about the sunsets every-so-often. He really likes 'em. You're are the best person to ever have stepped foot into my life and I'll never forget it. Stay gold for me Y/n Curtis and always remember that I love you! ~ Johnny Cade

As I finished the last line of the note, a tear rolled down my cheek and onto the paper. I felt a cold breeze coming through my open window. I stood from my bed to shut it along with the curtains. As I shut the window, I was on the verge of tears. When the curtains were shut, I completely broke down. My back slid down the wall as I sobbed. I wasn't much of a quiet cryer either but I couldn't give a crap right now. I held in my emotions through the funeral and was silent on the drive home. A wave of emotions hit me like a train and it wasn't gonna stop.

It wasn't long until I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. Next thing I know I feel two big strong arms wrap around my much smaller figure. Those comforting arms belonged to my eldest brother. I cried into his chest as he rubbed circles on my back. I knew he could feel how shakey I was because his grip on me tightened. Not long after Darry came to my aid I heard many more footsteps coming up the stairs and felt more than one figure in my room. I then felt the presence of my second oldest brother at my side. I knew the rest of the gang along with my kid brother was in the room, watching me sob into Darry's chest. I'm glad that they didn't say anything. If I'm being honest, I don't think they knew what to say to me.

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