1 - Mornings on weekends

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"When I wake up in the morning, I see nothingFor miles, and miles and miles

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"When I wake up in the morning, I see nothing
For miles, and miles and miles.

When I sleep in the evening, oh Lord.
There she goes, only in dreams...
She's only in dreams."

[The Head and The Heart - All we ever knew]


The sun rays of the early morning's sun seep through the now opened drapes of the windows, illuminating the whole room. This, causing a certain girl with her eyes still closed to have her face distorted, apparent frustration showing as the lighting seemed too bright for her to continue on her deep, once comfortable slumber.

Sleep is good you know. Not until someone ruins it for you.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's time to actually be useful for once in your life." She wasn't exactly the type of person to enjoy mornings. Going to school was probably one of the worst things she hated doing. Well, only when she had an early schedule.

Only one more year to go and she'll finally graduate. So far, studying wasn't that bad anymore. But she still didn't know how she managed to survive her three years in college though. Freshmen year was undeniably tough.

"I swear, in the name of dog poop with sprinkles on top if my phone says it's saturday, I will murder you." It was too early for her to wake up on a weekend. Hell, it was too early for anyone.

"Pfft, you? Murder me? You feel bad mosquitoes have only a few weeks to live, idiot." She always thought it was quite sad. She must have forgotten the fact that it was a deadly thing.

"I know right. How sad is that?" She says, expressing useless empathy towards an insect.

"Come on, get up already. You literally slept through all your alarms. I had to turn them off myself."

"Ugh, great."

She did as told, though she didn't want to. Following him towards the kitchen, she watches as he finishes up the bacons he left half done to wake her up. He was indeed, someone she needed most though she doesn't want to admit it.

"Tell me how and why this idea came across your mind. Who the hell wants to work at a coffee shop when she's not even broke?" He puts down their breakfast he made on the table, settling in on a chair. The bacon, eggs and pancakes were just how she liked them to be as it made her mouth water. "And someone actually hired you? Seriously?"

Bringing her arm to her chest, she faked a gasp trying to act offended though he did say the truth. "What? I'm not that stupid, Yeonjun."

It's a miracle they really did hire her except the fact she was a close friend of the owner, although with one look at her you could tell she was a total wreck. "Okay, maybe I am but I'm sure I'll do good. Plus, I'm only working part-time. I only wanted to work there because I needed something to distract me, you know. Studying isn't that much of a bother anyways, I can handle."

"Yeah sure. Whatever floats your boat."

Ignoring his comment, she quickly gobbled her meal like a slob. Finishing up so she could shower first and dress up for her first day.

Having doubts on what she should wear, she searches through her closet to find something decent. She regrets neglecting to find an outfit beforehand, as it now wasted her time searching for one.

Settling with a cute dress reaching right above her knees, along with her favorite pair of sneakers. She was trying to appear more decent and professional. It was a plus point.

It took her quite some time before deciding to finally take off after minutes of her admiring herself on the mirror, which she rarely did. She had a fair share when it came to her insecurities.

The problem was though, is that she could come off as someone too naive and fragile. It was quite the first impression she always made. But it wasn't at all that bad and she didn't mind. After all, her friends and family loved her for who she was.

"I'm heading off, Junnie!" She bade her goodbye as she scurries out to the coffee shop she had thought of applying as a part timer at. It wasn't much of a problem when it comes to the distance. All she had to do was walk a few minutes as it was quite near their place.

"Bye, honey! Goodluck on your first day. Papa loves you." Her brother teases one last time before she leaves, which is gross.

How old does he think I am? Five?


What do you guys think? It's my first time trying out as a writer here on wattpad and publishing a story hehe.

I hope you guys like it and if you feel like having to correct me, please do.

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