Part 5

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Kacchan: (last night I ran down to the police station to turn in my evidence that mrs.Asher is abusing Deku, all they said was that they will look into it later. I was mad but I didn't want to show it, I knew I would get in trouble if I started using my quirk here. I left after they told me that. I was pissed at the police, I wanted to go back to dekus place, I want to be by his side to protect him but I know I can't, his mom will get mad and start hurting him again, I just decided to go home and go to bed.) (Next day)
Deku: (while i was walking to school I ran into two of Kacchans friends, they started to kick me and punch me to the ground, I let them because I knew I didn't stand a chance.)
Kacchan: (as u was walking to school I heard laughing up ahead then I saw what they were laughing about, they were kicking Deku to the ground, I couldn't help but get angry and use my quirk to stop them, one of them ran away, one of them was on the ground begging me to not hurt him. I helped Deku up and notice him crying, I gave him a hug to make him feel a little better.) stop crying nerd.

Short again I know—236 words

Abused Deku X Kacchan Where stories live. Discover now