2. Failed- Cute

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Theme- Elsa has just got her first f and she really upset.


 Elsa was in the middle of class when the teacher started to hand out the exam the students had took last week which now contained there grades. Elsa wasn't to worried cause she was always the one who got straight A her whole life.

As the teacher got to Elsa she bent down and whispered into Elsa's ear as she slammed the test on the desk "Better luck next time Elsa." Elsa looked at her in Confusion then she looked at the paper which now had a big fat F.

Elsa eyes begin to tear up as she held the paper in her hand then her boyfriend Jack tapped her on her shoulder. "Hey babe what did you get?" He smiled as he waited for a answer. Elsa looked at her boy friend trying not to cry then the bell rang. 

She quickly stood up and walked out carrying all her stuff in her arms not bothering to put it away. Jack immediately picked up his stuff and walked out after her. He ran up to her and saw she was now crying. "Elsa baby what wrong." She looked at him with hurt then responded. "Jack I f-failed my test." She stuttered as she being to cry her eyes out.

"Hey it okay everyone fails a test it won't keep you form going to college." She looked at him then smiled. "I guess your right Jack, it's just I feel like I failed my dad before he died he said always get good grades and I failed him." As she said she broke out crying even more.

"Hey your dad would be so proud Els he loved you. One F wouldn't make him not love you now come on your coming with me." Elsa looked at him shocking before standing up with him.

"where are we going?" Jack looked at her then smiled. "To get chocolate." Elsa jumped up and down then grabbed his hand."Come on lets go." Jack chuckled at her behavior. 

They got the chocolate and cuddled in jack car with a Occasional kiss.


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Jelsa imagines/one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن