7. Fate -Cute

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Elsa Arendelle. A girl that is very successful. I mean very VERY successful, she is a fricking billionaire.

And then we have another very successful billionaire named Jackson Overland Frost. The both of them became a billionaire at quite a young age. (Im saying billionaire way to many times and i dont even know im in spelled it correctly).

He became a billionaire at the age of 21, and then elsa soon followed at the age of 22. (They have a 1 year age gap btw).

People always compared them, i mean they did knew eachother before all of this happened.

Elsa and jack were bestfriends, heck the bestest friends. They were always seen side by side, some people even started rumors that they were dating. Of course elsa and jack denied everything that their friends ask them but they still believed that elsa and jack were dating.

But as i said, they WERE bestfriends.

After highschool, elsa and jack just completely stoped talking to eachother. Jack moved to New york and elsa moved to California.

But fate always somehow found a way to bring them back together.

Just like when they were little, jack had to move away but then ended up coming back to elsa. In elementary school, Elsa had to stay with her aunt for a little but then somehow Elsa and jack were at the same park at the same time.

Its like, The world just wanted them to be together so bad (#everyjelsashipper). And it happened, BUT it didnt JUST happened like that. Fate, did his wonders once more. (Who said fate was a he? It could be a she! But rn, its a he)

_a few years back_

A knock was heard and elsa's head immediately shot up from her computer.

"Come in" Elsa said.

The door opened to reveal her assistant, Melody Anderson.

"What is it melody?" Elsa raised her eyebrow.

"Miss Arendelle, your father wants to see you" Melody said.

Elsa rolled her eyes and looked back at her computer. Her father of course who else. Elsa didnt hate him, but everytime he wanted to talk to her, it always takes so long and pretty much boring.

"Tell him im busy" Elsa said strictly.

"But miss Arendelle, he said it was important" Melody argued.

"What is it that is so important that he is interrupting my work time!" Elsa snapped.

Melody startled a bit, Her boss never really get that angry at anyone. So to see her so mad, it made her scared.

"S-something about a meeting with someone" Melody gulped.

"Ugh fine, now get out" Elsa groaned.

Melody quickly walked to the door and went to do her own work.

Elsa stood up from her chair and went to see her father. She was furious, why did her father want to talk to her right now? Doesnt he know that she is busy running the company?

As elsa was walking a guy approached her.

"Miss Arendelle!" A guy cheered.

Elsa stoped walking and stared at the guy who just called her.

"What is it, Eugene?" Elsa raised her eyebrow.

"Your father and a couple of other people from a different company are waiting for you in the meeting room, ma'am" Eugene explained.

Elsa sighed and rubbed her eyes, great some human interraction with people she didnt know, she thought.

Now she had to look professional, if she just walked in looking all stress, then they are gonna think she is something that she is not, unprofessional.

She walked proudly to the meeting room, her back straight, eyes looking directly in front of her. And this is how people knew to get out of her way or she will snap.

Her hand reached the door handle and she opened the door. Her eyes widened but then she just lost all emotion on her face.

Sitting there talking were 5 people. Her mother and her father were of course there. And then there's Matthew Frost, Alana Frost, and last but not least, Jackson Overland Frost.

While walking towards her parents, elsa narrowed her eyes at jack and in respons he did the same.

"Ah, elsa. Sit down, please" Her father said.

She rolled her eyes and sat down. Her father noticed it but decided to let it go that one time.

Elsa looked at jack, he looked so bored and pissed. He looked like he was just told some really bad news.

At this, elsa smirked. Him feeling terrible is something she appreciated.

Jack noticed elsa's smirk and glared at her.

"It is nice to finally see you Elsa" Mr. Frost smiled.

"It is nice to see you too, Mr. Frost" Elsa forced a smile.

"You are probably wondering why we are here, correct?" Mr. Frost said formally.(is that a word?).

"Why of course" Elsa responded.

"Well, Elisabeth" Her father started.

Elsa glared at her father, she hated being called elisabeth. She hated it ever since she was a child.

"We are here to talk about your marriage with Jackson" Iduna Explained.

Elsa gasped and stood up from her chair.

"What?!" She yelled.

"Lower you voice, Elisabeth!" Agnarr Scolded her.

"No! Explain to me why the hell am i getting married to HIM!" Elsa questioned angrily.

"Its for your company elsa. We have decided that we will unite both of our company" Iduna explained.

"Plus, since you guys were friends we thought it wouldnt be much of a problem" Agnarr added.

"So for the sake of a company, you want me to marry him!" She gritted her teeth.

"Hey! Whats so wrong about me!" Jack said angrily.

"Ugh!" Elsa groaned.

"Just get to know eachother again?" Alana asked jack.

Jack glared at his mother before sighing.

"If blondie here agrees" Jack nodded his head to elsa.

"Its elsa" She snapped.

"Enough, both of you" agnarr said strictly.

"Now go to Elsa's office and maybe have a little talk" Agnarr said.

"Fine" elsa muttered angrily and went outside of the room with jack tailing behind her.

They both walked to elsa's office in silence, well not complete silence since people are working.

Elsa sat down on her sofa and closed her eyes. This day just couldnt get more worse, but oh it did, well better not worse.

"Fate just keeps on bringing us back together, ey?" Jack chuckled while looking at the window, hands in his pockets.

Elsa just ignored him.

"I thought we were suppose to be talking?" Jack raised his eyebrow as he started to walk to elsa.

Elsa opened her eyes and glared at him.

"Well, what do you want to talk about? The fact that you left without saying goodbye?" Elsa hissed.

Jack frowned, oh she is not gonna be playing the victim again.

"Hmm, lets talk about how you just completely ignored me in high school" Jack snapped.

"Dont blame me for the fact that you had no other friends, frost" Elsa narrowed her eyes.

"But im blaming you for the reason why i moved" Jack glared at her.

Elsa was shocked and she quickly stood up.

"Me?! Its not my fault you moved!" Elsa yelled angrily.

"Well it is!" Jack hissed.

"How?! I was there for you jack! I was there at every step of the way and yet YOU were the one that left without bothering to say goodbye" Elsa yelled at him.

Jack just laughed and elsa flinched. His laugh was bitter and cold.

"You? Every step of the way? Funny joke els" Jack laughed sarcastically.

Elsa frowned, of course she was there she thought. She was there while he just left. He left her, and thats the end of the story. Or so she thought.

"I WAS THE ONE THAT WAS THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!" Jack yelled making elsa flinch and shiver.

"I was there! When he broke your heart i was there to comfort you! When you wanted to achieve you dreams i was there to support you! When you were bullied, i stood up for you! When you needed someone to dry your tears, i did it! When you were drunk, i was there with you making sure you're alright! When no one cared, i did! Yet when i needed you? You turned your back on me. You ignored me. Didnt even bother looking back" Jack said, his eyes getting teary.

Elsa just stood there shocked, and then she realised, he was right. He was there for her, he was always there for her. But she was too focused on her education that she ignored him, when he needed her she always came up with an excuse not to see him. She realised that she was the one who pushed her best friend away, she was the one who broke his heart, she was the first one who left before saying goodbye.

Elsa's eyes started watering, she realised how much she had hurt him. She regretted it. She felt guilty. She wanted to scream she's sorry but she just kept quiet.

Jack looked at the floor, tears rolling down his eyes.

"When i loved you, you didnt love me back" Jack whispered.

Elsa's body went into complete shock. He loved her? Of course he did, but she was too blind to see it.

She loved him too, but she was putting education first and lost herself. There is nothing wrong to put your education first, but when you ignore everyone, started being rude, and not caring, thats when you should stop for a moment.

Tears rolled down elsa's face. Memories of them together went flooding into her head. Every laugh, every smile, every tear, every pain, every fight, every hug. It all came back to her, and she realised just how much she missed him.

"I-i" she stuttered.

Jack looked at her, tears still rolling down from his eyes.

"Dont bother, i know you hate me. So lets just end things here" jack said bitterly. It broke his heart to say that, but he knew there was no point trying to love someone who clearly hated him.

Jack started walking to the door.

Elsa immediately ran to him and grabbed his hand.

"Wait! Please wait" elsa pleaded.

Jack stoped walking but didnt look at her, he was too angry and sad to look at her, to look at her watery eyes and knowing that he was the cause.

"I-im sorry" Elsa cried.

"Im sorry for everything! I didnt realise how much of a jerk i am until now. I didnt realise how much i've hurt you and im sorry! Im an idiot, i didnt pay attention to you, i didnt help you through all the tough times you went through. I wasnt the best friend that i needed to be, and i regret that" Elsa sobbed. She truly regretted everything.

"Im sorry for being a terrible human being" She whispered, sadness lingering in her voice.

"I know you'll never forgive me, and thats fi-" Elsa started but her sentence was quickly cut off when jack turned around and kissed her.

She was shocked at first but then started kissing him back. Her lips felt soft againts his.

His arms wrapped around her waist and her hands were on his shoulders.

"Why?" She whispered when they pulled away. She still felt guilty.

"Everyone deserves a second chance" Jack smiled warmly.

"But i hurt you, i dont dese-" Elsa started but jack hushed her.

"Its alright, and i told you everybody deserves a second chance. Even you" Jack said softly.

Elsa's eyes started to water again.

"T-thank you" she whispered when her tears began rolling down from her eyes.

Jack wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"I dont know how you can be so forgiving" Elsa chuckled.

"I dont know either" Jack grinned.

Elsa cupped jacks face, she stared at his handsome face and smiled.

"I love you" Elsa whispered.

"I love you even more" Jack said softly before kissing her again.

I guess you could say that Fate had brought them together once more.


Written by @Someoneuknowthatcool 

Don't forget to read her amazing books!

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