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"Don't be so stupid, David. I don't love you anymore. Which of that do you not understand?" Our Luna screams.

"The part where you're leaving us, leaving me!" Our Alpha growls.

"Do you think they'll divorce?" My little sister Jacqui whispers from beside me.

I turn to her and sigh. "I don't know. But it's tearing the pact apart."

And it is. Mr Bane is our weakest link now. Which is bad. Really bad, because he's our Alpha. Our strongest, our role model, our leader.

I don't like them arguing, no one does, it sets an unhealthy imbalance in the pack.

There is a sudden bang and a heartbroken yelp.

I gasp and wiggle closer to Jacqui.

The Alpha and Luna's arguing has become a thing of habit nowadays. But never has it ever sounded so violent.

Even in our little apartment, we can never seem to escape their fighting. The yelling and the shattering of furniture always appears to reverberate through the rooms, like a ghost of their anger.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who do you think is it?" Jacqui gasps, peering at the door with curiosity, her squinty hazel eyes seeking to obtain all information possible.

I shrug off her scrutiny and shimmy off the couch. "It's probably mum."

Mum must have been downstairs with dad. As Beta and Mate, it's a given that they'd support the Alpha and Luna at times like this, and try to defuse the argument. For the pack's sake.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't proud of my father.

My mum says his job is his passion, and by his utter dedication, I don't doubt it.

I only hope that I can be as passionate about whatever job I get when I'm older.

I grasp the knob, and when it turns, I have to clutch at the frame. I bow my head.

The silhouette of the Alpha's son, Cassian, looms before me. I hate to show such respect towards him, but anything else would be considered a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I would challenge Cassian any day, but not today. Not when our pack is already falling to pieces.

"It's alright, "the Cassian assures me, making me grit my teeth, "you don't have to do the formalities around me. At least, not now. Not while my parents are fighting."

I level my head with his and nod. He grins through his tear-streaked face.

I'm surprised that he's here. It's not that we quarrel that much . . . But we aren't on the friendliest terms either.

"Do you think I could come in?" He asks, wringing his hands together.

I nod. It's not like I have a choice, but if I did, I think, in the depths of my heart, I would let him in any way.

I loathe that, but it's what any decent person would do.

In class, he may be my rival, but for now, we are kindred.


He enters the room, is confidence becoming more and more apparent, and makes a beeline straight to the lounge.

"Hi." Jacqui squeals, obviously flustered by his appearance. "I love your voice, by the way."

I grind my teeth. This is why I don't like him. Because he can pursue his love of music and I can't.

"Thank you." He smiles meekly.

I try not to roll my eyes, and he notices. To my surprise, he grins.

I grin back.

There is a bang downstairs, and my eyes immediately seek Cassian.

His worn-out exterior is morphed into a look of sheer exhaustion, and for the second time today, I feel pity, not hate.

I reach out to him. "You'll be fine. They'll be fine."

I try a smile as his blue eyes search mine.


His tanned face is so intense I feel as if this small impossible promise is the most important thing in the world.

Suddenly, the door bursts open. It's my dad.

My eyes are immediately drawn to his injuries. My heart thunders.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I ask, eyeing his mourning and heartbroken attitude.

"We're leaving," he deadpan's, ignoring my question, "now."

I glance at Cassian. I hardly want to leave him all alone. It wouldn't be fair. I couldn't do it to him.

I peek back at dad, nibbling at my lip. By his steel expression, it appears the decision has already been made.

I long to ask about Cassian, but instead I wander towards thoughts of my mum. "What about mum?"

He's silent for a moment. "She's gone."

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