Chapter One

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"I don't care about the government and I really need a hug
I feel stupid, ugly
Pretend it doesn't bother me"
-Boys Will Be Bugs By Cavetown

Not all promises can be kept. I learnt that one the hard way.

After the night we fled, my father was never the same.

And I can understand why.

My mother, his soulmate, had disappeared. After that night, we haven't heard from her. Not a single word.

That would do a lot to a werewolf, not hearing a word from their soulmate.

Jacqui is convinced that she's alive, but I'm not so sure.

It would be easy to find out, to ask dad whether he feels the mate pull.

But a part of me doesn't want to know.

I want her to be alive, but at the same time, I don't.

If she is alive, why isn't she with her mate? With her family?

With me?

It would have to be because we're rogues, and that would mean she'd rather cling onto her social status than be with her family.

I don't think I could forgive her if that was the case, and that terrifies me.

"You make my world spin," Jacqui screeches over the sound of her shower, "I would go unhinged for you, if not a little bit!"

I sigh. She's been going on like this for an hour.

Talk about having a long shower.

"Oh, shut up, Jacqui!" I knock on the bathroom door, "And hurry up. I need to clean my teeth."

My only answer is the steady rhythm of water, clanging against the shower tiles.

My inner wolf growls. 《Come on, she needs to get out! Just drag her out!》

I wholeheartedly agree. <I do have to get her out, but I can't just storm in there and drag her out!>

《Yes, you can.》

<No, I can't. Privacy, remember?>

My inner wolf -Fennex- scowls.

I give up. She's taking too long. "Jacqui, get your ass out here right now, or I'll ban you from your afternoon run!"

"You can't!" She protests, finally responding.

"Can't I?" I jest, amused by her lack of faith in my sisterly influence.

I definitely can ban her from her run. Our father wouldn't know about it, much less protest or actually do anything.

He's too busy drowning in paperwork and alcohol to raise Jacqui and I, so I have to do it for him.

The shower stops.

《That's more like it》, Fennex huffs, 《we are in charge.》

<No, I am in charge.>

Fennex growls and I laugh good-heartedly.

<I'm just kidding. We're equals, you know that.>

I wait for a response, but she's gone silent.

<Fine. Be like that>, I snort indignantly.

Again, silence.

I huff.

The bathroom door swings open, and my sister rushes out dressed in her school uniform, wringing her chestnut brown hair in a towel.

"What," I yell after her, "no hello?"

She shakes her head, grabs her blue school bag off the couch, and screams, "I'm catching the bus this morning!"

I blink. She never wants to catch the bus.


But she's already retreated down the driveway, running like a madwoman.

I sigh. At least now I can get ready.

As I pad into the now vacant bathroom, I try to reach out to Fennex again.

<Come on>, I plead, <just talk to me. I'm sorry, I was just joking.>

I wait.

And wait.

But all I get in return is silence.

This hurts more than I'd like to admit. She's been my most loyal companion for as long as I can remember. I would die without her companionship.


I reach for my back pocket as my phone buzzes.

It's a text from Fern.

'Come to school ASAP. We have an emergency'.

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