Chapter Two

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All of me loves all of you
All your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

"You opened your heart
'Saved me from sin
'Saved me from what could've been
'And that's, why I love you."

The stagehands clap as I finish, everyone making a ruckus because finally, I have made a great new song.

Eric slaps me on the shoulder, grinning like a fool. "We did it! You did it! Dude, that was amazing!"

I try to smile. It's just what artists do. Create something fun and bouncy out of something dark and gloomy, that is.

I had once heard that by writing songs about all my problems that I'd learn to let them go.

I doubt I'd be able to forget her. The girl that changed everything.

The girl who's family was exiled from my pack.

Geniver Olive.

"God, Cassian, why do you look so gloomy?" Ryland questions.

"Yeah, that's Ryland's job," Eric butts in cheekily.

Ryland shoots him a glare, and I swallow my laugh.

"Don't worry about it."

Eric nods, but Tryn just stares at me. Ryland? He's already gone off, probably to sulk.

I try not to smile. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"Well," Zeke, our manager begins, taking off and folding his glasses, " I'm assigning you all a very special task."

Tryn crosses his arms. "Bring it."

I don't know about Tryn, but alarms are going off in my head. Something about this seems off, and I don't like it.

"What is it?"

"I bet it's stupid." Ryland retorts. "As per usual."

Zeke doesn't look impressed. "It certainly isn't stupid."

I try and hide my grin. Again. Not to be mean, but I agree with Ryland. A lot of the things Zeke challenges us with are odd, and a bit pointless.

Zeke tries his hardest to make it a challenge for us, but most are just stuff we'd do anyway. Or on rare occasions, chores.

As a band, Ryland, Tryn, Eric and I live together, mainly because we're always on tour.

I'm rarely near the packhouse, and that suits me just fine.

There are just too many memories there.

Sometimes it feels as if the packhouse isn't my house, and the King Alpha isn't my father.

Luckily for me, the band, crew and Zeke are like family.

"I suppose I shouldn't tell you then. I'll just surprise you."

I stare at Zeke. I hate surprises.

I shrug, pretending that I don't care.

He huffs, grinning, acting as if he's hurt by my nonchalant behaviour. "Okay, here's the deal. I want you all to go to school, fall in love, and come back after six months with a song about it."

My eyebrows knit together.

Immediately, Ryland objects. "That's really stupid. I'm not doing that."

"I agree."

"Okay," Eric shrugs, earning a playful shove from me, "but why?"

"Because the fans need it. And because I have a good feeling about this."

I shake my head. "When exactly is this fiasco happening?"

Zeke beams. "Pack your backs, boys, because you've got a long trip ahead of you."

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