Chapter Five

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No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he was brute, they just fell into his arms

Now that it's lunch time, I steer myself towards our table.

Fern and I aren't popular, and by our deserted table in the corner, it's blatantly obvious.

Even if we did have winning personalities and gorgeous smiles, no one would want to sit with us.

Only because we're rogues.

I sit down and scavenge in my bag for my lunch box.

I find nothing.

Great, I forgot my lunch, again.

I sigh, and begin to fiddle with my phone.


I turn around to face my friend and watch in horror as she gasps.


She laughs, clutching her stomach as she stares at my face.

"Fern, what is it?"

"Your face." She chokes. "Your mate he drew-"

She explodes in giggles.

"What! What did he draw?"

She shakes her head, still laughing as she passes me her phone.

I open it up, and go into camera, hoping for the best.

I expect another smiley face, or a penis or something, but what I see, shocks and angers me.

He drew him. The guy that helped ruin my life.

I growl and take out my pen. 'What is this? Don't show me that ugly ass face again. I hate him, and his music.'

My stupid mate drew the face of Cassian Davis on my face.

I want to scream. I want to make a big fuss, but I can't. Because I'm at school.

Instead, tears spring to my eyes, and Fern immediately stops laughing.

"What is it?" She hugs me.

I've never told Fern why I hate Cassian. In fact, I've never told anyone.

I shrug her off me. "Nothing. I'm fine. Do you think you could help me get it off?"

She nods, a small uncomfortable smile appearing on her face. "Of course."

We both get up, and start my embarrassing journey to the bathroom.

"Scum." One boy sneers.

"Rogue." A girl spits.

As you can see, being a rogue isn't the most glamorous life.

You'll find movies or books where rogues are killed or imprisoned. Luckily for Fern and I, in real life, it isn't so extreme.

We're monitored for each time we shift, to make sure that we don't expose ourselves to humans, or kill the said humans.

It hasn't always been like that. In the olden days, the Era of Darkness, rogues roamed the world like the plague.

They'd target humans and turn them, in hopes of starting their own packs.

Obviously, in these modern days it is illegal to turn humans, at least, without permission from the human and the Royal pack.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Marissa Joan sneers.

Her villainous helper, Jasmine pinches her nose, as if trying to block out a particular awful smell. "Ugh. You smell like wet dog."

I roll my eyes. "It's probably you. At least I'm a wolf, not a bitchy dog like you."

Marissa folds her arms, eyeing my face, smirking at the drawing of Prince Cassian.

"Of course you like Cassian. Too bad that he'd never go for a rat like you." Marissa fluffs her hair. "Luckily for him, I'd love to be his Princess."

I scoff. Me? Like Cassian? Never.

"You can have him," I spit out. "I honestly couldn't care less."

I really couldn't.

She sneers. "You're lying."

I laugh. "I'm not. I'm being genuine. You deserve each other. You're both high and mighty air heads."

Her eyes darkens before she lunges at me.

Her claws break through, as she half shifts in the air.

She scratches at my face, tearing at my flesh.

Suddenly, Marrissa is pulled off me, and I'm left to bleed out.

"Come on," Jasmine barks, "let's get away from the rogues. They stink, and I feel as if I'm suffercating."

Marissa nods. "Okay, whatever. But be warned, this isn't over."

Her claws contract and her eyes shift back to their harsh blue.

And with that, she strides away.

Fern leans in towards me so that she can whisper quiet enough that no one will hear. "What a bitch. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll clean myself up when we get to the bathroom."

She stares at me, biting her lip, but finally nods.

As we enter the bathroom, I almost collapse with relief. No one else has confronted us, which I'm grateful for.

Immediately, Fern grabs some hand towels and runs them under water.

As she begins to dab the cool paper on my face, she begins to talk.

"Why didn't you fight back?"

I close my eyes, my cheeks stinging.

"Because if I fight back, then more people are going to attack me. Everyone hates a rogue, but a rogue that fights back and attacks?" I shake my head. "It'll cause too many problems. For both myself and you."

Tears stream down Fern' s face. "I hate that you have to deal with this."

"You have to deal with it too." I remind her.

"No! I have to deal with the name calling, yes. But the physical abuse? No, I don't!"

I try and smile, but wince as she begins to tend to the cut around my eye.

As I look in the mirror, I find my face stained with blood.

There is a large, painful cut crossing over my eyebrow, and one that slices through my lip.

My face throbs and my werewolf healing begins to start it's magic.

I begin to cry. "I wish they'd just leave me alone."

《Why did you provoke her, dumb ass?》

I growl. <I didn't!>

Did I?

Fennex doesn't respond.

"Oh, Gen! I'm sorry. I wish I had the courage to help you!"

I shake my head. "No, I'm glad you didn't."

And I am. I can deal with myself being hurt, but when it comes to my dear friend, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

Fern pulls me in a tight embrace. "You're a fighter, Gen."

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