Chapter Seven

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Falling too fast to prepare for this
Tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling, it's vulturous
Negative, nepotist

Everyone waiting for the fall of man
Everyone praying for the end of times
Everyone hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this

-Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons

I pace the front room of my small cottage anxiously.

Where is she?

I glance at my clock. 47 past 9, it reads.

She should've been home six hours and thirty-two minutes ago!

I rub my hand tiredly across my face. I don't have time for this. I have to get to . . . Work.

Fennex howls. 《Where is she?》

<I don't know! If I knew, she'd be here.>

《Shift. You'll be able to find her quicker.》

I agree, and start to take off my school clothes. There's no point in ruining my uniform if I don't have to, especially when I don't have the money to buy another.

I feel my bones begin to shift.

Shifting is an uncomfortable feeling, like an itch you can't quite reach, or when you sit on your hand and it becomes stiff, numb and tingly and there's nothing you can do about it.

Actually, my last comparison is quite accurate.

I feel my senses intensify, and my wolf begins to overshadow sense.

I have to find my sister.

I run out of the cottage and into the woods, before climbing on top on a large rock and howling.

My ears flatten back when I hear echoing howls, but not from my sister.

It sounds like a . . . Call for help?

Strange wolf's or not, I need to help them. I can't just leave them there. Damn the consequences.

And Jacqui? I'll find her straight after.

As I race through the trees, my wolf can't help but reveal in this freedom, despite the gravity of this situation.

<It's been a while, my old friend>

As I become closer and closer, a large building comes into sight.

I've only been running at the edge line of the trees, so this sighting doesn't come as too much of a surprise.

The house is enormous! And it smells like . . . My mate!

Ignoring this, my head swivels to my right as I smell another wolf.

I power towards the scent, but stop once my nostrils become attacked by the bitter copper of blood.

I have to be smart, and therefore safe.

There is a howl of pain, and I find myself racing towards the sounds, my wolf instincts telling me to be hasty if I want to save the fellow werewolf.

As I arrive at the battle, I feel my ears press into my head as I growl.

There is a small gang of wolves, a black, two grey's and an injured yellow. This gang is currently being surrounded by a swarm of wolves, about ten, all of which are black.

I find myself growling, and stepping towards them.

<Who do I attack?>

《The black wolves! The black!》

A large black wolf takes a threatening step forward. He's larger than me, but I don't back down.

I feel a wave of dominance wash over me, but I battle it with my own.

The black wolf - the beta, I think it's safe to presume- growls and pounces.

We tumble about, nipping, growling, biting.

He scratches me, and I bite his leg.

He yelps, and suddenly another two wolves jump on me.

I growl and try and fight them off, but they're overpowering me.

One of the wolves returns my aggressive behaviour towards their Beta by chomping down and pulling at my leg, twisting and turning it so aggressively that it becomes positioned at an odd angle.

I yelp in pain and stupidly try to pull my leg away.

Pain shoots up my leg.

I growl and scratch at the wolf on my leg.

I aim for his eyes, and once my claws meet my target, I am dutifully released.

I growl, couched low at the base of a large tree, watching anxiously as the Beta and one other circle me, eyeing me up and down.

Suddenly, the Beta stops, growling and spewing a truckload of spit in my face.

I growl back.

The Beta flashes forward, striking me out at my weakest.

I feel his canines wrap and tighten around my neck.

I feel the blood spill down my neck.

My head lightens and spins, a pounding in my head racking up a fuss as I've never felt before.

My vision blurs, and I feel myself weakening as the Beta tosses me about.

The Beta throws me against the hardwood of the tree, before approaching yet again.

I know I'm going to die, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to go down without a fight.

You're on, Mr Wolf.

And without a second thought, I surprise my opponents by lashing out, possibly for the last time.

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