Chapter Four

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I'm on the road again
Seeing things I'll never see again

I smile at the conversation on my hand.

"Whoa, dude," Eric gaffles, "what's with your face?"

I wink, smiling. "I was just spending quality time with my mate."

He laughs. "Of course. You know, perhaps your drawings aren't as romantic as you'd hope."

'What? Love hearts and smiley faces are the food of love!"

He laughs and I join in.

"Can you guys please shut up!" Ryland shouts from up front.

"Oh, you're no fun!" Eric pouts.

I try not to roll my eyes.

"He's probably on his man periods." I stage whisper.

Ryland growls. "I heard that!"

I smile. Of course he did. We're werewolves after all.

"Stop bickering." Tryn demands.

I roll my eyes, jokingly. "Yes, Luna."

Eric laughs like a hyena. "Did you just call him 'Luna'?"

I shrug. "I guess I did."

Tryn noticeably ignore us.

I smile at Tryn' s and Ryland's silence, before turning to Eric.

"So, what about your mate?"

He frowns. "She's gone totally AWOL!"

I contain a snort. "I wonder why."

He punches my arm.

"I'm just kidding!"

I hear Tryn scribble on his arm.

"What about you, Romeo? What is your mate saying?"

It's hard to see his expression, since he's looking out the window, but I can hear the smile in his voice. "I think I'm going to find her."

I shift forward in my seat. "Really? How?"

"She goes to Lynette High School."

I feel a tinge of envy. That's where we're going.

My mate never answered my question about whether or not she lives at Lynette.

I hope she does.

"Woah, dude, that's awesome!"

He shrugs, caps the pen, and finally turns to us. "Yeah." He smiles. "It really is."

"Do you know her name, dude?"

"I just know her first name."

I frown. "That's more than what I know."

Eric pushes me. "Keep the details of your love life -or lack of one- to yourself, dude. It might be contagious."

I laugh because we all know that's not true. Girls throw themselves at me all the time. "Maybe."


I turn to Tryn. "What?"

"Her name is Fern."

Eric nods. "Hot name."

"Any female name is a 'hot' name in your books, Eric."


I sigh and take out my pen.

"Here." I pass the pen to Tryn. "Can you draw my face on my cheek?"

Tryn is an excellent drawer, so if anyone is going to help me reveal my identity to my mate, it's him.

Perhaps if she knows who I am, she might talk to me more.

I don't know, it's worth a shot.

He stares at me. "Are you sure this is such a great idea?"

I shrug. "I don't see why not."

Tryn is about to object, I can tell, but thankfully Eric butts in.

"Just draw the picture, dude."

Tryn shrugs. "Fine."

I smile, and move closer to Tryn.

"I have a feeling she's going to love it."

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