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Name: Illinois/Illi

Eyes: dark brown with dark purple rings around irises

Hair: brown, short, fluffy, just like photo <3

Personality: emo, creative, trigger happy, loves her guns, sarcastic, quiet, silly, tough, kawaii, keeps to self

Who will she date: Ghost <3

Clothes: oversized hoodie that goes down to just above her knees (like photo except it's plain, dark black), NO glasses, NO collar (lol just realized the collar has ghosts on it XD), wears black sports bra under hoodie, wears leggings, wears black combat boots, gun holster around leg

(↓Back of bra but it would be black↓)


(↓combat boots↓)

Details: has wolf ears and tail, pretty short (like her head reaches as little under Ghost's shoulder XD), shoots perfectly, has never missed a bullet, has better hearing due to bring part wolf, can sniff down people and things, is amazing at singing but people don't really know that, great at drawing,

Powers:  can crawl on walls and ceiling, can change into wolf, can bring out and retract both claws and fangs/canines, canines/fangs are very sharp and longer than other teeth, can go into demon mode

Life details: she and and her older sister were both kidnapped by scientists and changed. Her sister was changed into a Neko though while she was a wolf girl. She was also given her powers. They were abused by their parents especially after they were tested on. Eventually at age 8 (her sister was 9), she found a gun and shot her mom while her dad was out. She shot her between the eyes killing her immediately. She and her sister Saylor, packed a few things and ran away. They lived in an abandoned warehouse. They made it their home and lived there for years. Illinois doesn't know where her old best friend and also innumimi, he has wolf ears and tail, and can transform into a wolf! His name is Sebastian (she calls him Bashi) and she lost all contact with him after she and Saylor ran away. One day she was sitting on her roof when she met the Street Punks. They hated her at first, she was very cautious of them, and her sister was overprotective of her, but eventually they ended up being like family! She started dating Ghost and Saylor dating Swift! read the story to find out more about her life!

Things she likes to do: shoot her guns, clean her guns, build guns, sing, draw, fight, cuddle, movies

Her demon mode: during her demon mode she has a black must surrounding her, her eyes turn into pools of blackness, she can control herself a little and tries her best to keep it away, she hates it, she is super strong, kills a lot if she can/ if not held back, but she can barely control anything she does, needs to be held back, and held tightly

Her wolf form: ↓↓↓

In her wolf form she is a larger than other wolves, and has a fluffy tail and chest/neck fluff, she is gorgeous, her colors are beautiful. She is more strong, fast, agile, sly, and still quiet in this form.

┻━┻ ヘ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)

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