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Okay so I'm changing this up slightly from how I wrote it in Illinois chapter just so ya know... <3

💜Illinois's pov
I was in my wolf form on the roof of our warehouse were we live. I was laying down curled up into a ball. I was just looking around and watching the end of the sunset when I heard voices. That can't be good. Especially since the voices seemed to also be coming from a rooftop. I don't move because I'd prefer not to fight them right now. I pretend I'm asleep but they kept coming closer. I tuned them out until they ended up on my warehouse. I stayed quiet like I was sleeping. I listened to what they were saying.

💜 Ghost's pov
Of course Swift and Rebel made MC and I go out on patrol together. I was just standing on a roof looking at the stars when I heard MC, "yo, dude there a wolf!" He said. I raised a brow, how the hell is there a wolf in New York?! I walked over to him and looked where he pointed and my eyes widened. There was a beautiful purple, pink, black, and white wolf!

"Why is it in New York? And how is it those colors?!" MC asked

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"Why is it in New York? And how is it those colors?!" MC asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I have no clue so why are you asking me? "Let's move closer..." I say. MC and I jump closer to the wolf. Soon we are on the same roof but opposite side and it doesn't seem to notice us. (Oh how wrong you are Ghostie XD) "it looks so cool!!!" MC whispers excitedly. He runs over to it and I try do stop him but it's too late for that. He pets it and it's ears fall back, it's tail puffs up more but MC is stupid and doesn't stop. Suddenly the wolf jumps up and MC fall off the edge of the building! "MC!" I shout, yeah me shouting is weird but it is my brother that just fell to his death, or so I thought. I was going to shoot the wolf even though I really didn't want to when it jumped off the building to?! I run over and watch it catch MC and hang onto the wall. Okay, what just happened is beyond me but it was interesting to say the least.

💜 Illinois's pov
One if the things came over and started to pet me?! I really didn't like the fact that I couldn't tell who or what was petting me. After a while I was getting scared and jolted up. I honestly didn't mean to scare the thing to bad. My body did it by itself, but anyways the thing fell of the roof! I heard a deep voice from behind me shout at the thing I'm assuming. I heard a gun get ready to shoot but I jumped off the building after the thing. I caught it and clawed onto the wall. The things eyes were held tightly shut. I jumped to the wall of my warehouse and climbed back up the the other thing that was up there. I put the thing down and looked at it funny. It was weird, like a turtle? But mutated. The other one had guns and slowly walked towards the one I saved. He glared at me and his guns were pointed at me. I growled lowly as he slowly approached me. Seriously?! I'm gonna save your friend and your gonna point pistols at me?! What the f*ck kinda thanks us that?! The thing that I saved is staring at me in confusion and he looks kinda scared. I crouch down a little and sniff his face and when my nose touched his neck he laughed. "Dude it's tickling me!" He said through laughter but the other one only growled a little. The fur on the back of my neck stood up and my tail puffed. I looked at the other one with guns and bared my teeth at him while growling. He looked like he was about to shoot but the orange one I saved said, "wait! Don't hurt it ghost! It saved me remember!!!". Imy ears went back up and my tail and neck furs, uh, depuffed? (XD) I sat down and the one I think was ghost slowly, very slowly, lowered his guns putting them away. He walked towards the orange one and asked, "are you hurt?...". "Not at all dude! The dog saved me!" The orange one said happily. I grunted annoyed when he called me a dog and they both looked at me. I laid down with my head on my front paws. "Why do you look so awesome?!" The orange one said. I wagged my tail a little. Suddenly Saylor jumped up ready to attack in her lynx form! They didn't notice her but my ears went up. I lifted my head and she narrowed her eyes at the things. "Sis their nice. Well kinda" I say but the things don't understand me (when they speak in their animal forms they can only understand each other, I write those parts in Italic). I slowly stand up and the things turn around to see my sister. The purple one who doesn't really trust me pulled out his guns and aimed them at my sister. She growled a little at that, I got kind of nervous. I obviously didn't want my sister to get shot! I whine making both the things look at me. "Sis don't attack them okay? He seems cautious" I say to her. Saylor huffs and lays down rolling her eyes. The things look at her confused. "Bro what is that?" The orange one asks. The purple one shrugs. I can tell that the purple dressed dude doesn't talk much. I walk over to Saylor and sit in front of her at her nose. The orange one then says, "wolf dude is that your friend?" While holding a bat. I nod my head making them confused. "How did you know to do that?!" He asks now extremely confused. "Should we show them?" I ask Saylor. "Do they seem safe?" She asks. I walk over to the orange one and sniff his feet. Then I sniff the purple one feet making him growl and I giggle though they can't hear it since I'm a wolf. I turn back to Saylor and say, "they seem safe". Saylor nods and turns into a human. The things eyes both widen, "WHAT THE HECK?!" The orange one shouts. Saylor laughs a little, "hi I'm Saylor, are you guys evil?". "...No..." The purple one says. "Okay their cool" Saylor says. I huff, "and that's Illinois but she's being stubborn" Saylor says. "Wait can she turn human to?" The orange one asks. I nod and Saylor does to. "What are your names?" Saylor asks. "I'm MC and this is Ghost!" The orange one says. Those are cool names, and Ghost is kinda hot but not like I'm telling him. "Do you live around here?" MC asks. Saylor nods, "we live here" she says pointing at the ground, well the roof technically. "You guys wanna see inside?" Saylor asks tilting her head a little. "Ooh, Ghost can we?" MC asks. Ghost huffs but nods a little. "Cool!" MC shouts. Saylor smiles and motions for them to follow us as we go into a fire escape. Then we go in through the window. We exit the storage room and enter the living area.

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