Chapter 7 POV McKayla

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Sorry I haven't done anything lately. I was camping. Thanks for  87 views on my story! 

Hi. Daughter of Jason and Piper Grace here. McKayla Elizabeth Grace. The first thing you might notice is my initials, M.E.G! The First thing I saw when I walked into the rec room was yellow in the eye. I realize it was a ping pong ball hitting my eyeball. I see Rowan and Mason duck under the table with scarred looks on their faces. 

"So, let me guess that was Aqtiae who did that," I said sarcastically then looked under the tabled. " Rowan, Mason get up, I'm decided to be nice today."

They get out from under the table.

"Rowan what's wrong?" asked Mason 

Rowan ran as fast as he could and hugged me. I feel like a little kid but with his 12-year-old hight vs my 14-year-old hight, I felt normal. He started to let tears trickle down his face. 

Over the past few nights, he's been having the worst nightmares ever. He had one about Brooke, his girlfriend at Camp Jupiter daughter of Hazel and Frank Zhang. According to him, she was stuck in a storm on Temple Hill.

"So has anyone seen Marigold?" I asked the boys.

"Nope," said Rowan.

"Who is Marigold?" asked Mason

"Oh, right you haven't met her. She is the daughter of Grover and Juniper Underwood. She's a nymph of a marigold flower. Marigold is my best friend and she has been pretty happy lately and I want to know what it is."I said. I ruffled Rowan's long blonde hair and looked in his kaleidoscope eyes. "Brook is gonna be alright," I promised him. We heard footsteps and went back to playing ping pong. 

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