|Chapter 11| POV Mason: The Car Ride

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We were in the car at the beginning of a 5-hour car ride. This is going to be a long car ride. We had bottles of water and Fonzies. Apparently, Fonzies were Leo's favorite snack.

1 hour passed and I was so bored. Aqtiae was sleeping. Mom and Dad were talking about Clair in the front. Then they talked more about other stuff like "wait till you see the house". Then we heard a big thump. We all looked from where the thump came from and saw nothing but a big dent in the road that was not there before.

"What just happen?" I said confused

There was a big thump and a big horrifying spider appeared. I am not gonna lie I screamed like a little girl. If you didn't know I am horrified of spiders. It was the size of my Dad's knee cap. It had a regular of 8 legs and 8 eyes but it was really hairy and the hair on its legs was bright pink. Its eyes were blood red and it had fangs. (AN/ I know that this not a real spider or monster.)

" Give them"

AaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhh! The spider talks. It was a really scratchy, deep, ecoy voice. This is going to haunt me forever. I unsheathed my knife that I always keep with me and tried to hide. I looked back at Aqtiae to make sure she was ok. The next thing I knew the spider was in the car. It had broken through the window and shattered glass now lay all over the floor and seats. A shard hit my hand causing me to drop my knife. I screamed and the next thing I knew I was bleeding.

I grabbed my knife and started to try and kill the spider. At this point I was crying of fear and I heard Mom and Dad say get out of the car but I stayed to try and fight it. The spider grew and became 3 times its original size making me scream and cry even harder. At this point I was aimlessly flailing my knife through the air. I felt a little snip feeling at my side and my vision became fuzzy. The last thing I remember was my family rushing towards me, then my vision went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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