Chapter 3: What the hell is up with the New Kid?

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The sun was partially shining through Craig's window when his alarm went off. The alarm started quietly, being nothing but a mere background noise. Then it started getting louder, and eventually Craig woke up with a thud. The thud was him crashing his skull into the headboard of his bed.

Craig's POV:
I felt immediate pain as my skull crashed and mumbled, "damnit, ouch". I looked over at my clock and noticed that it was only 7:05. After a moment of confusion, I remembered what had happened the night before and went to get dressed. After going downstairs for a quick breakfast, I was out the door.

I was headed for Bebe's house, not because I wanted to see her, but because she has sleepovers with the girls every Saturday night. I bet that Call Girl would be able to answer my questions regarding the New Kid. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Bebe's mom. I introduced myself and was invited in. Bebe's parents weren't surprised to see a boy on their doorstep at 7:30 in the morning. Bebe's really hot, if I wasn't gay I'd be into her too, like the other boys.
"Oh, hey Craig." Bebe's muttered as I walked into her bedroom, she wasn't pleased to see me. I ignored her and went over to Wendy, who was sitting in the corner reading.
"What do you want Craig?" She asked with displeasure, to which I responded with,
"I'm interested in the New Kid, can I talk to Call Girl?"
"Geez, why the hell do you care?" Wendy replied looking just as a displeased as everybody else in the room. After a moment of silence she added,
"If you really want to know about the New Kid's personal life, then Call Girl will meet you at the alleyway in half an hour."
"Sounds good." I muttered, walking out of the room without glancing back at anybody.
I directly walked over to the alleyway and waited. I have to be at Tweek's house by 9, that leaves me with like 45 minutes to talk.
I spent my waiting time wondering why I cared so much about the New Kid. It's not normal for Craig Tucker to give a fuck about anything other than Stripe or his boyfriend. Well, I guess if I just get my answers then I can stop wondering.
After 5 minutes later, Call Girl jumped down from the ladder in front of me.
"What do you want to know about the New Kid?" She asked me suspiciously, her phone in hand.
"Well first of all," I started,"Why doesn't he talk?"
Call Girl rolled her eyes at me, as if she gets this question everyday, and replied,"Because they don't want to, dumbass."
"How do you know that's the only reason" I questioned back.
"Look Craig, the New Kid and I have some stuff in common that you could never imagine. I don't understand why the New Kid chooses to be the way they are, but the way they live is their choice." Call Girl replied.
"Why can't you just hack some records and figure out his life story or something. Wouldn't that answer everything?" I asked getting impatient.
"Craig!" she yelled angrily."You can't find out everything about somebody on the internet. For your information, there really isn't much about that kid on the internet anyway."
"Fine, Fine." I mumbled, not buying her excuse "You seem very protective of this guy's information."
Call Girl sighed with annoyance and leapt away.
After that encounter, I decided to go straight to Tweek's house early.
When the door opened, I got the usual "omg honey it's Craig. Hiiiiii Craig!" from Tweek's parents. They're too overly excited about my existence. I sat down with Tweek at the table and immediately starting looking for anything that could be wrong with him.
He was twitching and drinking coffee, normal.
His hair was a blond mess, normal.
His shirt wasn't buttoned correctly, normal.
I looked over at Tweek and then correctly buttoned the bottom of his shirt. He twitched a bit more when I touched him, that's not normal.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah C-Craig, I'm fine" He replied, but I could hear hesitancy in his voice.
"You sure about that" I replied with concern.
"Definitely, don't worry about me." He replied, still with hesitancy.
"Maybe you should stop it with the coffee, that could help stop your twitching." I suggested, the hesitancy in his voice was too apparent for me to just ignore it and think he was fine.
"Yeah!" He said with a new enthusiasm. He dumped out his cup of coffee and yelled over to his parents,"I'm taking a break from coffee. I'm sorry, but you're going to need to get someone new for the shop."
His parents received the news well, likely only because they didn't want to appear angry in front of me. I thought that whatever was wrong with him wasn't from the coffee, though.

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