Chapter 7: The Outdoor Bathtub

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Craig's P.O.V

School just got out and I'm walking to the water park with the guys. I don't know how hot it is exactly, but it's fucking scorching out here. It's so hot in fact, that everybody has their hats off. Now that everybody's hats are off, I can begin to see why we all wear these hats. Kyle's hair looks like a basketball and Stan's looks like a pile of spaghetti. Though I'm not really one to talk, I look like a 2000s emo with my hat off. Kenny must have seen how bad everybody looks, because he chose to keep his Parka on. That Parka though, ended up being his demise. As we were waking, he suddenly collapsed.

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" Stan yelled, staring up at the sky.

"You bastards!" Kyle added.

"Kinny died of heat poisoning!" Cartman yelled, staring down at his dead friend.

"Heat exhaustion you dumbass!" I replied, putting my middle finger up to the sun, that bastard!

Kenny dies all the time, and just kinda reappears the next morning. Seeing Kenny's death really seemed disturb Tweek though. I grabbed his left hand and gripped it tightly to console him.

The swim park was relatively empty when we got there. I didn't know it was possible for it to be too hot for swimming. Upon walking into the changing room, I realized the actual reason why Tweek was so anxious. Tweek's arms are still bandaged up from yesterday. I went to an empty corner of the locker room with Tweek.

"Look at those gaywads having sex in the corner!" Cartman yelled at us mockingly. I just put my middle finger up in response, I wasn't in the mood for this. If there even is a mood for being called a faggot.

"What are we going to do?" Tweek fearfully whispered to me, he was beginning to shake.

"Calm down honey." I began. " Do you have an extra shirt or something that you can wear over your arms?"

"No!" He shouted, aggressively shaking faster.

Luckily, just as Tweek spoke, he got hit in the head with a paper airplane.
"Oww." He muttered, picking it up and unfolding it. The note was in the New Kid's handwriting, and it read:
"The bandages are waterproof. I'll cover for your excuse."
Holy shit, this guy is amazing. We changed into our swimsuits and headed back over to the guys, both feeling relieved.

"Dude, what's up with your arms?" Stan asked Tweek with concern.

"Oh, its ummmm-" Tweek began, but was interrupted by Cartman yelling,
"He probably got cut by Craig's dick."

Though Craig and I had learned to ignore Cartman's bullshit, Stan looked ready to murder him. Almost on cue, the New Kid ran over and slapped Cartman.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Cartman yelled, staring maliciously at the New Kid.
"Oh look who finally decided to get out of the bathroom. You were changing in there, weren't you? Quite a faggy thing to do!"

"Shut up, fatass!" Kyle yelled at Cartman. "But seriously Tweek, what happened to your arms?"

"He has an accident at Stark's Pond." I quickly answered, hoping my excuse was good enough. Pulling out a piece of paper, the New Kid wrote a note saying:
"I can confirm that's what happened. I was there."

"Oh, okay then." Stan replied nonchalantly, he gazed seemed to be focused on the New Kid now. I was about to ask "why the hell are you all staring at the New Kid", but Cartman answered my question for me.

"Geez faggot, you not only changed in the stalls, but you're wearing a shirt to go swimming?" Cartman sneered at the New Kid, his eyes full of contempt. The New Kid just ignored Cartman, and began walking out of the locker room. We all followed and made our way out to the humid hellhole of a water park. The water was just as hot as the temperature outside, making the pool more akin to a bathtub than an actual swimming pool. Since the only person I'd actually enjoy taking a bath with is Tweek, the two of us left the others and swam alone. We raced each other across the pool a couple times, but me being larger than Tweek gave me too much of an advantage. So, Tweek and I just relaxed on the edge of the pool, taking about whatever came to our minds. Until suddenly, we heard Cartman screaming. Looking over, Cartman was yelling something at the New Kid, he had cornered Butthole to the edge of the solid ground, just waiting to push him into the pool.
"-I get it New Kid. You're so attracted to us that you're scared to take your shirt off. If you did, then we'd see how turned on you really are, right? I bet you're having sexual fantasy's about us right now!" Cartman screamed at the top of his lungs, everybody from our school had stopped to watch.

"Shut up!" Kyle yelled, somehow being even louder than Cartman. "Wearing a shirt does not mean somebody is gay! In fact, we'd all appreciate it if you wore a shirt fatass. Nobody wants to look at you!"

"I'm big boned!" Cartman shriked with extreme anger. "And I bet that you're turned on by me too, right? You gays make me sick!" Cartman raised his arm up, gathering himself to pull Butthole's shirt off and launch him into the pool.

"Wendy, come help!" Tweek whisper screeched over to Wendy, who was watching the whole thing from a couple yards away.

"Why can't the New Kid deal with this himself?" I whispered over to Tweek, who seemed really anxious over this. "Can't he just take his shirt off and prove he's not what Cartman says he is?"

"Because SHE'S a girl." He whispered back.

Holy Shit! The New Kid's a girl?

"How can that be?" I asked him in pure shock.

"Look I'll explain later, darling. We need to help her out."

We both followed Wendy as she marched over to Cartman.

"Stop it Eric!" She yelled, speeding into a run. Cartman's arms were grabbed and pinned behind his back. Thank God that he's one of the shortest guys in class, he stood no chance against Wendy.

"Don't defend him Wendy!" Cartman yelled up to her as she pushed him against the ground. "He's just a faggot, you've got no chance with him."

"DON'T MESS WITH HIM AGAIN! Do you understand?" She yelled back, disregarding his previous words. Cartman nodded and he was let go. He immediately ran away, probably home to his mom or something. A second later, I heard something incredible, the New Kid spoke.
"You didn't need to do that." The New Kid muttered in a deep, but feminine voice. Their eyes were full of embarrassment, the most emotion I've ever seen them show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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