Chapter 5: "Thanks, New Kid"

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Tweek's P.O.V
"Show me your arms." Craig firmly told me, his hand was on my shoulder as he stared into my frightful green eyes.

"N-No!" I stammered, shaking vigorously. There's no way in hell I can let him see my arms. He wouldn't understand, he just wouldn't. He's always so literal and practical that he would get the wrong idea.
He saw how scared I was, and quietly asked,
"Is there any reason why I shouldn't see your arms?"

"There isn't." I told him, faking as much sincerity as I could. "I just think that you should trust me enough to believe me."

"That's besides the point." He retorted quickly, but seeing it was no use, he gave up and we continued walking.

Soon, we were nearing the end of the treasure hunt, conveniently in Craig's backyard. Running over to the chest, we were disappointed to find it full of plastic rings.

"She must have just bought random shit in bulk." Craig concluded firmly.

Seeing as it was late, Craig walked me home once we collected our rings. Running up to my room, I examined my bag full of small plastic rings, plastic animals, and balls that barely bounced. Sighing, I threw the bag into my desk and looked over at the clock. It was 6, and my parents were going to be late today. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed my coat and ran over Stark's pond.

It had grown cold outside, and there were sprinkles of rain periodically. I walked over to a bench and spread out on it. The sky was beautiful, reflecting against the clear water of the pond. Almost without thinking, I grabbed out the blade in my pocket.
"No!" I shouted to myself,"I am not doing that again!"
I dropped the blade on the bench and glanced up at the sky again. A few seconds later, I abruptly heard some bushes rustle. Startled, I glanced around, seeing nothing. Then, I heard some loud, quick footsteps. I ducked, not knowing what else to do. I looked up, and felt relieved.
"Oh, hey New Kid." I spoke with relief.
"You kinda startled me. What are you doing here?"
In response, Butthole quickly reached over and pulled up the sleeve of my coat, revealing a calamity of long scars.
"Hey!" I shouted, pushing him away.
Sighing, he reached over into his bag and pulled out a first aid kit and a piece of paper.
"I don't need any help." I told him quickly, hoping he'd just leave.
Grabbing a pencil, he handed me a note reading:
"Yes you do."
"I'm not going to argue with you New Kid. Just leave me alone!" I told him angrily.
He reached for my arm again, but I ducked away quickly. He reached for a note, but I interrupted him, shouting,
"Why can't you just talk like a normal person?"
He handed me a note, saying:
"Can I help you if I talk?"
Startled, I hesitantly answered,
"Ummmmmmm, sure?."
The New Kid brushes his fringe out of his face and took a deep breath. He spoke in a high, quite feminine voice, saying,
"How old are the scars?"

Holy shit, I didn't actually expect him to speak. I assumed he couldn't or something. I realised how much courage that must have taken, and he did it all for me. I suppose I need to let him help me in return.
"They're from last night." I told him promptly.
He grabbed out some ointment, and I rolled up both my sleeves for him to see. Looking unfazed, he went to work, applying the ointment as if he were a professional doctor.
"Why?" He asked after about a minute.
I considered playing dumb, but that would really just be annoying. I took a deep breath and explained,

"The town expects me to be perfect because I'm gay. I'm supposed to be their token of inclusion, that acts just as their stereotypes command. I'm not that though. I wasn't thinking, and wanted to show society that I wasn't perfect."

Butthole was silent for a moment, and I continued,
"You probably don't understand that though."
"Oh yes I do." He answered quickly, it was obvious that he was trying to make his voice deeper than it actually was, and it was almost funny.
"Are you gay or something?" I asked with confusion.
He stopped for a second, looking really scared. But he quickly snapped out of it, and continued by grabbing some bandages.
"I guess." He told me with vagueness in his voice.
He finished rapping up my scars and put his first aid kit away. I thanked him, and as he got up to leave, he instructed me.
"Go tell Craig about this. He's worried and you should just explain everything before it becomes too big of a deal."
"I will!" I told him adamantly.
He looked like he was going to say something else, but I quickly interrupted
"Your secrets are safe with me, all of them."
He smiled and walked away.
I ran over to Craig's house after that, not even stopping to think about what I would tell him.
"Hey Honey." Craig spoke as he opened the door. "What are you doing here so late?"
"Come upstairs with me." I quickly told him, and once we arrived into his room, I told him about the cuts and why I did them.
"Don't be mad." I pleaded, he had been silent during the whole story. Without warning though, he tackled me into a big hug.
"I'm not mad!" He shouted with concern.
"But please, don't do that again. You're so special to me and I don't want anything to ever happen to you."
My eyes filled with tears.
"I won't Craig. I promise."
He pulled up my sleeves, revealing the bandages.
"Did you treat them yourself?" He asked with confusion.
"No, the New Kid helped."
"Okay then. Where's the knife, I want to make sure you're not tempted." He told me briskly.
"The New Kid took that as well." I answered. "He... really helped me a lot."
"I'm glad he helped you." Craig told me, looking up at the ceiling and thinking.
"You know what? Let's have a sleepover tonight." He told me.
"Okay! I agreed happily."

Tweek and Craig: The Helpful Newcomer Where stories live. Discover now