560 34 37

Update -

The numbers represents - (Amount of judges we have/amount of judges we need)

Action/Adventure - 1/1

Mystery/Thriller - 4/4

Check-lit/Romance - 4/4

Fan-fiction - 4/4

Fantasy - 4/4

Horror/Paranormal - 1/2

General/Historical Fiction - 2/2

Teen Fiction - 4/4

Short Story/Poetry - 3/3

Random - 1/4


~ some of the genres have way more entries than some others. The genres with the least amount of entries will be put together and be known as one entry. Obviously, there can't be a competition with only four entries, right?

~ I made a bunch of stickers and each of them have either 1st, 2nd, 3rd on them. They all also have different genres put on then, so I'll hand out stickers to winners according to what genre your book is placed at.

     For example ~ your book could be teen fiction, but it's been put in random, and you won in the random genre. I'll give you a sticker based on your actual genre, which would be teen fiction. I didn't make stickers that have "random" on it. Hope this makes sense.

~ just so you know, stickers are to be put on your books to show a sign of accomplishments, but it's totally up to you if you wanna put it on your books or not. The stickers I made have white backgrounds. What you're supposed to do if you want to put them on your books is erase the white background first. I recommend you use this app called "Background Eraser". I can't put the stickers on here because I didn't make samples.

~ it's possible for you to win in two or three different genres if you have multiple books put in different genres.

~ when you win, I'll private message you. If this is okay with you, you're to give me your email so I can send the stickers to you. That's the only way I know how to send stickers. PM me your email only when the results are out and you've won. Don't put your emails down in the comment section.

~ um, I think that's it for now.

~ any questions?

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