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First of all, a shout-out to this one judge who judged this genre:




Once Upon A Miracle
By PJO_forever_and_ever
Total: 90/100

Review: The cover of the book draws a person in, curious to find more about the book and what it's about. The blurb is also extremely well-written. The title, though, is something that wouldn't make me pick up the book. It isn't entirely unique and there are more than a few books with the same name. The context of the book itself, on the other hand, and it's plot is something very unique and original. The vocabulary and the grammar are also out of this world. I would say I've never seen a book with such good vocabulary and choice of words for describing the scenery and surrounding on Wattpad. It would be close to impossible to not enjoy this book. It's enjoyable, exciting and extremely well-written, technically the whole package.


A Timely Knight
By DaveNite27
Total: 87/100

Review: One of the best books I've read on Wattpad. The cover and the book title draws a person in. It is one of those books that you can't scroll past. The plot is great and is completely original. There are many stories based on dreams, meeting old friends, trying to find and defeat the enemy, but this story has taken it to another level. A higher level. The only thing that lost this book points is the fact that a lot of the sentences are long and hard to read. Breaking the sentences into two parts could help the reader understand and follow the book better. The characters are well thought out and developed. The description of areas, places makes the reader feel like he is personally experiencing all this. The action scenes are extremely well-written and make the reader wanting more. 

By HeraHarker
Total: 87/100

Review: The blurb of the story is extremely well-written, not too long or descriptive, and not too short. It's just right that the reader can not help but read on. The plot as far as I can see is completely original and this is honestly the best and boldest love-triangle I have ever seen. Not to mention the characters. The reader never realizes he has learned this much about the character from all that the writer has told. The information is constantly yet subtly creeping into the readers' minds. It's hard to not enjoy a book with such good vocabulary and descriptions, especially with the humor that emerges every now and then in the book.


DeVil's In The Name
By Sugar_And_Spice125
Total: 85/100

Review: The plot of the story is great and completely original. The title and book cover draws the person in. The blurb is also extremely well-written and the characters are described in such a way that I would read a whole manuscript about them. The only thing that lost this book the most points is the grammar and punctuation. There is an unnecessary addition of commas or the commas should be replaced by a full stop. I also noticed how the tense changes to present whenever there is a description of a place or person. It is important to understand that when writing a book, the tense should stay the same throughout. Other than that, the descriptions are extremely exceptional and the reader can easily form a picture in their heads.


Well-done to everyone who participated in this genre. You all did amazing, and I'm sure with more work, your books will turn out better than before and gain more readers. Keep fighting! Kudos to the winners. Winners, please PM me your email, so I can send you the stickers. Your other prizes will be handed to you in a while.

If you wish to see your full review, PM me and I'll send it to

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