Chapter 3

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Samantha cleaned her room. She finished cleaning up where skies are already dark. She felt her stomach grumbled because she is already hungry. She cursed in frustration by the fact that she forgot to buy some foods for her to consume on her way here.

She decided to go into the nearest market. In her way, she saw the familiar home where she used gazed on a boy who lived here. She estimated that the boy is also around her age at that time.

She used to admire the boy's eyes. There is something hidden within those eyes. There is pain, grief, and wrath that she saw. She shrugged the thoughts and walk as fast as she can.

She arrive in the small market and bought some foods and other things the she will be needing in the house. She immediately went home . On her way home she saw a man around in late thirties .

The man switched its flashlight on and off for several times. She is hesitant to approach the man at first because he is a complete stranger but she is worried.

She can sense that there is something odd towards him. His repetitive behavior won't stop. She decided approached him he then gazed at her and she saw how surprised he is.

"S And S!" he exclaimed in a childish tone.

Samantha is startled when the man recognised her pseudonym. He seemed so nice that is why she continued the conversation with him. She never thought that someone recognise her and she is intrigued to get to know him.

"You know me?" she asked.

He nodded his head ."I-i like your b-book." he said.

"Which book that I have written do you like?" I asked excitedly.

"The Garden and the Prince!" he blurted.

"Really? That's my favorite too!" I said.

"So what is your name?" she asked/

"I am D-Damien." he replied.


Atticus arrived in their humble home. He looked out in every corner of their house for his brother but there isn't any shadows of him. He tried to search for him outside when he saw him behind talking to a stranger.

He told him a lot of times not to talk to stranger! He is furious but he calm himself first. He don't want to make his brother feel uncomfortable.

He saw how happy his brother is. He sighed then walked towards their direction. He can clearly see the admiration that his brother gave towards the stranger.

"Damien!" he bawled.

The strange woman looked behind to look out who called. As soon as he saw her face my mood suddenly shifted. He suddenly knew how doomed he is.


Samantha looked behind .The familliar stares that she recognises . She coldly stares back at him. She tapped Damien's shoulder signalling him that she needs to go.

"I have to go Damien. Till we meet again." she said.

She arrived at her house and cooked the food . She is grateful that the stove works perfectly fine. She digs in as soon as she placed the food on the table. After she ate she washed the dishes first and went to her room.

Samantha sat down in her room. She grabbed a notebook and tried to write her thoughts that she could use in her future works.

Exhaustion took over her. Her eyes shut and she was consumed by obscurity.Sleep came across him in brutal like a crashing waves. Her dreams are more intense than ever before.

The room was completely dark; she was as oblivious as if her eyes had been perforated.She put her hands to her eyes and nose; they were in there.She simply turned to the staircase and started to run up, but her feet dropped through each of them as if this were a pure illusion.

Chilly air was brushing her neck. She took something and a mirror appeared in front of her, flickering like some kind of shiny screen. It was her with the broken face. Her reflection is different from the emotion she shows. She is sobbing but her reflection is smirking back at her.

She saw a familliar woman behind her. The pale skin where blood drips in it. She felt its colds hands towards her neck. She is being strangled but she can't let out any scream and all she did was trying to grab it out on her neck but the entity are stronger than her.

"Die!"the woman shrieked.

Samantha can't get off her eyes to the unfamiliar man lying on the floor showering in his own blood. She trembled in fear. This isn't the first time that he saw him but he is still unidentified. She let out a bloody scream as soon as she woke up.

Her cheek was covered in her tears and her body was soaked in her cold sweat. The sheets were were wrapped around her arms perhaps she is in her sleep. Her heart beats against her chest. She is terrified. The fragments of her nightmare still clings to her memory and haunt her.

Memories tortures her so much . She can never hide it, or run from them; they 're the worst kind of demon. She was terrified of what she had in her past, of all memories which seemed to never leave her.She can not even complain about it or retaliate, she even had to bear the agony as its sight of her death ran through her mind.

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