False Hope

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Darryl woke up, confused as to where he was. He looked around, realizing that he was in Zak's room. Everything then began to come back to him.

The fight.

The crash.

The pain.

Then Darryl began to feel all the sorrow, pain and regret all over again. He stumbled to get up, anxious to get to the hospital to see how Zak was doing. He took a shower and changed his clothes.

Darryl looked at himself in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes and he looked exhausted.
Darryl sighed at himself as he exited the bathroom and walked to his car.

-Time Skip bought to you by McDonalds cheesy Fries-

Darryl pulls up to the hospital and walks in. He registers at the front desk and asks how Zak is doing.

"He's in stable condition, but we still don't know if he will still have his memory when he wakes up." the nurse said.

Darryl was glad to know that Zak was in stable condition now. He was glad to know that he didn't cause Zak's death, which lead him to that one dreaded thought.

It should've been me.

Before Darryl could think any farther, the nurse asked him if he would like to visit Zak.

"That would be great, thanks."

The nurse led him to Zak's room. When Darryl saw Zak, he was crestfallen. A wave of guilt and anguish washed over him. 

Zak looked pale. His lips almost looked blue. His right leg was wrapped in a heavy cast, and both of his arms were bandaged. His face almost looked like he was in pain. His hair was a mess, and it was almost like you could still see the tear stains on his face.. 

A tear fell down Darryl's face as he walked toward Zak. One of his best friends. 

Or formal one. 

Darryl forgot that he had to call Zaks family and tell them what happened. With dread, he picked up his phone and decided to just call his sister, figuring that she would tell the rest of the family.

She picked up.

"Hello?" She said

"Hey, this is Darryl, you know me as BadBoyHalo. We exchanged numbers like a year ago but never talked?"

"Oh hey, what's up?"

Zak's sister (IM SORRY I DONT KNOW HER IRL NAME) was about to call Zak because she was getting worried. He usually calls her everyday to check up on how she's doing. He hasn't called in 2 days and she was growing increasingly worried. She was going to call when Bad had all of a sudden called. 

"I need to tell you something." Darryl said

"Alright, before you do, has Zak been ignoring you too? He hasn't tried to communicate with me for 2 days, and he usually calls me everyday I was wondering if maybe he told you something and maybe forgot to tell me."

Darryl sighed, knowing what was coming.

"It's about that. You see, Zak and I got into an argument and I was really angry, and I stormed out of the apartment. I was so mad that when I crossed the street, I didn't notice that a car was driving straight at me. Zak, well, even though I was so rude to him he-"

At that point, Darryl was trying to hold back his tears. The now familiar wave of regret washed over him again. He was getting choked up.

"A-and he still saved me. He pushed me out of the way just in time. H-he g-got hit instead o-of m-me."

And then Darryl lost it. He started sobbing painful, loud sobs.

"It should've been me. It should've been me. It should-d h-have  been m-meeee...." he wailed.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I swear.."

Zak's sister finally spoke.

"It's okay, I forgive you, Darryl. I'll tell his family. Don't worry. I'm not mad. It's going to be okay, it's not your fault" She responded in a calm voice.

She tried to sound calm. She knew it wasn't his fault, but she couldn't help but feel a little bit mad at him. She had a right to be a little bit mad, right?

She felt a pang in her gut as she realized what this meant.

"He's still alive, right?"

It took almost a minute to get a response.

"Yes, but he's in a coma. We don't know if he will wake up. At least that's what the doctor said."

Zak's sister needed to think. She needed to be alone.

"Alright. Thanks for telling me. Bye."

She hung up and sat at the nearest chair, covering her face with her hands as she remembered all of the nice memories with him and her.


-Darryl's POV-

I sat next to Zak all day, only getting up to get a snack from a vending machine. I mindlessly talked to Zak, hoping he could somehow hear me. I talked about the best memories we have had together. 

"Zak, remember when you applied as staff for my server for a video just to troll me? That was the time where we started our friendship. I remember I was so mad at you, while you were just laughing."

"Oh! Remember when we won Minecraft Monday for the first time? Those were fun times.."

I remembered that all too much. I was so excited that I accidentally yelled "I LOVE YOU SKEPPY!" and "I WISH I WAS NEXT TO YOU I'D KISS YOU RIGHT NOW!" I just kept going on my excitement rant, hoping that no one on the stream would notice because they were too distracted by the win.

Boy was I wrong. The stream got clipped everywhere and Skephalo videos kept popping up on my recommended with that clip.

This led me to another thought, about that time on my live when someone asked about my opinion on Skephalo, and I acted like I didn't know what it meant to drive the viewers crazy..

I smiled, remembering that time.

I was snapped out of that thought when I heard a loud beeping noise coming from Zak's heart monitor. 

I looked at it and it was going crazy. Then I saw that Zak was beggining to shake in his bed and his eyes rolled up into his head.


Tears flooded my vision as I saw blurry doctors rushing in.

"Code blue! We need backup! Get the defibrillator ready!" (a defibrillator is those electric charge thingys that they use to bring someones heart back to normal with a high electric shock)

When I heard that, I began to worry even more and cry harder. I knew that something was very wrong. 

"He's having a cardiac arrest! We need more doctors!"

I was pushed out of the room as the curtains closed and more doctors rushed in. I managed to ask one doctor the one question in my head.

"will he survive?"

"We don't know, but there is a greater chance that he won't make it."

And with that suddenly my legs gave way and I fell to the ground, everything going dark.


1156 words!! I was listening to Faster's 24/7 radio while working on this, and I made some new friends that gave me new story ideas!

Shoutout to: T 3 M, LovelyPalito, Shayna Forsyth (The_Applelistic) for enc  I hope we can talk again somehow! Also T 3 M gave me the BEST fanfic idea! Anyways, sorry for not updating in a week Ill upload more! See ya guys!

To'oborni (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now