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The edit I made for this story! If you go to youtube and check the description of the video, you could see that it was made by me! (My youtube is sxmply_grace so that's why the watermark says that lol)

Thank you guys so much for 200 reads! I never imagined getting past 50 reads! Thank you guys so much!

I just want to tell you guys this. Everyone is fighting their own battles. So think before you send any hate comments to a person. You don't know what it does to them.


-Third Person-

Zak's parents visited the next day. Zak tried to act strong for them. He didn't want them to be worried for him.

Zak had broken his right arm and the lower half of his left leg. He was slowly recovering physically over time. Mentally, not so much. He still thought of what Darryl said to him that day everyday. And he started to spiral into depression and self-hatred. The server seemed like a small problem now, but Zak couldn't get over it.

Skeppy and BadBoyHalo viewers were starting to get worried. Zak hadn't posted in two weeks. Whenever he picked up his phone, he was bombarded with notifications from Twitter, and YouTube comments asking if he was okay. He was far from okay.

Darryl, on the other hand, wasn't doing so great either. He was consumed by guilt every time he even looked at Zak. He had started cutting himself. One thing was clear.

Zak and Darryl's friendship would never be the same.

Darryl tried to visit Zak everyday. Every time Zak would tell him to leave.

It wasn't that Zak wanted to hurt Darryl. It was that Zak didn't want to hurt Darryl again. He figured that Darryl was just visiting out of pity. He didn't want Darryl to be miserable. He thought he was helping him.


-Zak's POV-

It has been a month and a half. It was time for me to go home. My arm was basically completely healed, and my leg was partially healed. I had to wear crutches to get around for now.

The problem was that I didn't know who would take me home. My family left already, and Vincent hadn't come down to visit from Paris yet. I didn't have any money for an Uber or taxi. There was only one other option..

Darryl had to drive me.

I shouldn't have been panicked about that. I mean, we live together. It's just that, I can't look at Darryl the same anymore. Whenever I see him, I see the night we had the fight. And I just can't think about it. To know that I hurt him so much.

I sighed. I had no choice.

I picked up my phone and called Darryl for the first time in a month.

"Hello?" Darryl asked. He sounded surprised and even..happy?

"Yeah um, you know the hospital's letting me out today. So I was wondering if you could come pick me up." I kinda stumbled on my words a little. Why was I so nervous?

"Sure, Zak. I'll be there in 5." And he hung up.

I put my phone down and slowly got out of the hospital bed. I walked in crutches and went to the bathroom. There were new clothes waiting for me there. I changed into them, and while I was getting ready, I wondered what the car ride would be like. When I was done, I caught my face in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes. My hair was all messy. My eyes looked.. empty. 

Had I really gotten this worse? What if- 

"Zak, are you ready?" Darryl came into the room.

I took one last glance at myself in the mirror and exited the bathroom.

"Yeah, I am." I responded

His eyes looked.. somehow different? They seemed dull. Before, they were a vibrant green. Now, it seemed like he lost the spark in his eyes. 

Impossible, I thought. I quickly dismissed the thought.

"Let's go" I say.

We walk to his car, him having to wait for me a lot because of my crutches. We walked in silence. I was debating starting small talk, but I figured that he would talk first.

When we reached the car, I had trouble getting in. I still wasn't used to walking without crutches, so I couldn't figure out a good position to get in. I looked back, and saw that Darryl was signing paperwork for my release at the front desk. There was no way I was gonna ask him for help. 

I continued to struggle for about 5 more minutes when I suddenly felt someone holding my arm.

"Need help?" I heard Darryl say

"Y-yeah, sure" I was still flustered and surprised by the touch.

He hesitantly held my previously broken arm as I used my good arm to push myself up into the car using the the car door. 

It was really awkward. 

Imagine. You're previously best friend who got mad at you and said a lot of bad things to you, the one you saved from getting killed and almost got yourself killed instead. The one that stayed and still tried to visit you everyday in the hospital. The friend you used to like, holding you arm to help your disabled body get into a car, which used to take 2 seconds before.

Just imagine.

"Thanks," I murmured, looking down in embarrassment.

I watched as he walked toward the other side of the car to get into drivers seat. I swear, I think I saw a tint of pink on his face, but I wasn't sure.

He got in and turned on the car with one quick glance at me, and then started driving.

I had never been a more awkward situation in my life.

I could tell he kept glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. He really thought I didn't notice. The car was dead silent and I just continued to look out the window.

What was life going to be like now?

Did I still have to live with him?

Would we ever get over this?

Then I started to think about one thing. How would we record videos? I could still record, but fans would start to notice when Bad hasn't been in not even one video over time. They would start to question things, and rumors would start. What if-

"We're here." 

Snapped out of my thoughts, I stumbled to get out of the car, refusing to get Darryl's help. I placed my good leg onto the concrete and I used my arm to hold the door for support as I slowly bought my bad leg down from the car onto the concrete.

Darryl silently handed me my crutches, and I started walking to the apartment, not sure if I was happy or not to be home again.

I honestly didn't know what "home" was anymore.


1145 words.

Thank you guys for everything! I didn't think this story would even pass 100 views. :)

I said this at the beginning of the story, but I just want to restate it.

Everyone's fighting their own battles. Even youtubers who seem so happy and funny on screen can have things going on that the viewers can't see. So please, think before you ever send a hate comment to anyone. Doesn't matter if they're a youtuber or not. You don't know what they're going through. Spread positivity.

Remember you guys are beautiful and you can do great things.

Bye guys <3

To'oborni (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now